Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Initial Impressions: Shin Sekai Yori / 新世界より

Posted by DarrenW
October 11, 2012


Some of you might be wondering why are the Initial Impressions so comparatively early this time as compared to previous seasons, well, its because I have a huge exam in about half a months time, which will take A WHOLE MONTH. Yes, a whole month people. I will be back in December after these series of initial impressions.

So Autumn 2012 here we come! Today I will be featuring one of the first animes in the Season, Shin Sekai Yori / From The New World / 新世界より!

So the story, for the first five minutes, begins in the Japan of 2012, our curent time, for when the human race is still living peacefully. However, it is the mere beginning. Invisible forces suddenly descend upon society and people explode... in pools of blood.

I did NOT see that coming.

It then becomes clear that from then on, humanity has declined (This is actually also happening in another anime, called Jinrui wa Suita Shimashita). So the actual story starts off A MILLENIUM (3000++ AD) from there, where people return to the life of rural villages. Humanity has been landlocked due to these forces, of which they regard as "Fiends".

And there is where we meet our main protagonist. Meet Saki Watanabe, an average middle-school girl of the time. She has just graduated from Harmony School (equivalent of "Elementary School"), and has just started attending Sage School (equivalent of "Middle School"), where students there, learn magic!!

However, this is NO ORDINARY school system. Students who fail to perform up to the grade, mysteriously vanish. Yes, vanish from existence.

As flashbacks and discoveries about past, the future, and the present haunt Saki and her four classmates, will the reason behind the weird transition of humanity be uncovered? The story has only begun.

Terminated Students are marked.

So that is the basic introduction, where there many many more episodes are to come.

Personally, I was not expecting this sort of development, in the "mild horror meets innocent school-type" genre. The anime, in my perspective, has been off to a marvellous start. I really like the way its been presented. A-1 Productions has done a great job so far. The concept is also very creative, and I'm due to see more!!

I also loved the ED, which was Wareto Ringo by Risa Taneda.

Shin Sekai Yori is an Autumn 2012 Anime, originated from the novel written by Yūsuke Kishi. It is currently at episode 2, and it will have 25 episodes! It is currently being fansubbed by Aidoru, Commie, Hadena, UTW and is available on Crunchyroll Simulcast, though that is 4 days late.

Edited by FayeA

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