Past Anime Review: Uta No Prince-Sama: Maji Love 1000%
June 19, 2012 Posted by IAmBored
Ok. It has been like two months since I last did anything here in this blog. OMG. :P
Yeah, but I was like having exams and after that I was too unmotivated to write again. XD (Also the fact that there really aren't that many animes that suit my genre that came out) I officially stopped watching ongoing animes because I can't stand the suspense and cliffhangers. So I'm waiting till the end of this month and watch all the episodes I missed. :D
Recently, I've been obsessed with music♪ for no apparent reason. From classical to pop, with the exception of heavy metal, so it makes sense if the animes I watch are related them :D
Yeah, so this anime is pretty recent. (July 13 2011) I had no idea it existed until Youtube related videos helped me. THANK YOU YOUTUBE!!! By far it's the anime with the most amazing singing I have ever seen (or heard). If I had known it existed I would have done an initial anime review, but oh well.
Uta no Prince-sama: Maji Love 1000% (うたの☆プリンスさまっ♪ マジLOVE1000%) AKA Uta no Prince-sama :D Let's go!!!
So the main story is about this girl called Haruka Nanami as the female protagonist. She is very sickly as a child and had to move to the country side with her grandmother as a result. So her grandmother taught her how to play the piano (but she does't know how to read the notes). Haruka enrolls into the Saotome Academy, an arts school. This school is famous for its students and teachers as the students are potential famous people and the teachers are well-known. If she successfully passes the school year, she can debut in an agency called "Shining Agency". But she isn't interested in singing, but rather, composing. Hence this anime is about the period of time from her entrance to school to her debut.
Clockwise from L: Hijirikawa,
Junguuji, Tokiya, Natsuki, Syo,
Otaya (Middle)
Then of course there are male protagonists. In fact, there are like more than 5 so I have no idea which one is really the main. They are all sooooo KAWAII :3 and handsome of course. Their singing is awesome. :D
Otoya Ittoki, Masato Hijirikawa (say his name 10 times fast... or maybe it is just me who stumbles over his name... ;D), Natsuki Shinomiya, Tokiya Ichinose, Ren Jinguuji (his name is awesome :D) and Syo Kurusu (in some subs is Shou Kurusu)
These are the 6 "main" protagonists.YAY!!! Kekeke. If anyone knows any male dominated animes (more male than female characters AKA male harem AKA reverse harem) please tell me. I love this genre. :D Officially my fave character is Hijirikawa. But I also like Syo, Otoya and Tokiya, don't make me choose!!! I love Hijirikawa's hair and the outfit he wears for the concert:DD Doki doki~~ Yup.
So this anime is mainly about the girl and the guys knowing each other and working together. It would take me forever to explain the guys as they each has a own story and it would be major spoilers if I reveal them. :D
So... impressions: AWESOME ANIME!!! (For me:D) This isn't exactly a romance anime, but there are like hints? somewhere along the story. But there isn't an obvious I-chase-you-so-please-date-me kind of story line. I think some guys like the girl and vice versa. But there isn't much hints to know for sure who really likes who. So I wouldn't consider this a romance anime. But it is definitely a school and music related anime. :D
Yeah and the OSTs are awesome. Seriously people, ♪check it out♪. And I would consider this a musical. Because there is a song in almost every episode. There is a particular story line about a cat (not to give too much information) but I really don't understand the reason why the cat is there in the first place. Seems a little out, but I wouldn't exactly remove it. I just find it a little weird.
Another random one
The famous uniform I'm obsessed with
Back to the main point. This anime has 13 episodes. It is really a nice anime to watch and has awesome colours and the drawing is really good. :D The OST is also very good. There are a lot of different songs, and the genre is pop music. But there are a few songs that are soothing. What I really like are the lyrics. They are all very meaningful, so do remember to read them when the songs pop up!
And if you like a rather normal-paced anime with lots of music and handsome guys, this anime is for you. And there are random chibis suddenly popping that make it quite funny. To be exact, it would make you smile and go AWWW.... but not exactly a ROFL kind of anime. This anime is adapted from a game with the same name. Apparently the game has more information about the characters but I am too lazy to go play it. (I doubt I can even find it judging on where I live) Oh and there is a season 2 coming out!!! Once it comes out I'll do a initial review! Matte Kure!!!
Ahhh~! My highest score yet!!! :D Maybe I'm becoming more biased!!! (O_O)
Hint for next review: Music + past anime + male harem. :D
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