Wednesday, November 9, 2011

WWHCurrent Updates

November 9, 2011
Posted by FayeA

Yohoho, Merry Chistmas!

Oh damn, I opened the wrong draft. Well forget it, anyway, I am here today to explain certain updates to the WWHCurrent Website.

Firstly, after some consideration from our "leader" here, we decided to change how we put up rankings for animes. Yes I know, some scorings are very biased, ahahaha...
Well, after the new scores are in, you can check the new page tab that will be titled "Rankings"

Secondly, most of the staff will be back in FULL FORCE! Yes, up to next May, most of the staff will be able to post frequently. Please clap! *clap* *clap*

Thirdly, MedusaS has decided enough is enough! Well, she says that we are not putting in our best efforts in promoting for help. So from tomorrow onwards, we will be having recruitment posters! This is also a chance to say that WE ARE SHORT OF MANPOWER! We NEED help!

Fourthly, you guys might have noticed that there are new banners for the website! Hooray! *clap* *clap* Many thanks to DarrenW for designing those banners! I personally like the one with my name on it. :)

DarrenW likes to personally thank those who have visited our website in October! Even though we hardly posted anything, the amount of hits still increased! Also, this month, we had a record 200 hits per day! Do continue to support us, and we will help to achieve the best reviews for you guys!

And lastly, WWHCurrent is going to the Anime Festival Asia! Yes, well, not me, but the chief, the other invisible editor, and IAmBored! I hope you look forward to it because we will be doing a special post on it at the end of this week! (I am personally looking forward to editing it).

For now, enjoy this picture of what we think is DarrenW's character! (Hahahaha)

Oh, oh, oh yah, MedusaS has a special request to put this video, I'll just embed it here... It's supposed to go with the previous review.

See you soon!


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