Saturday, November 19, 2011

Initial Impressions: Mirai Nikki

November 19, 2011
Posted by IAmBored

I’m back with another review! I’m totally on track! Finished an ongoing 105 episode anime in 5 days!!! I’m on roll! Yay!

Anyways, this time I’m doing this super creepy anime review. This is totally different from "Kimi To Boku", even though both are set with teenagers for protagonists. MAJOR WARNING: This anime contains bloody scenes, a little ecchi, very violent scenes and a lot of insane and retarded people. It also contains a lot of killings. So it’s basically like a horror movie, except that the story-line is dragged over episodes.

I actually don’t like this anime, it’s totally creeping me out. The only reason why I continued watching is because of the mystery/suspense of it…
Mirai Nikki AKA Future Diary/Wei Lai Ri Ji (Chinese)

Yuno. Started to get scared from
this point onwards...
The story revolves around this 14 year old boy named Amano Yukiteru, AKA Yuuki or Yuki, (depending on the subber) who is thought to be the by-stander or the lonely one. He has a habit of recording down whatever he sees into his phone, which is also his diary. He has an imaginary friend called Deus, who happens to be real 
and is the God of Time and Space.

So this god created this game, called the Diary Game, to choose his successor. There are 12 contestants, all of which holds a future diary. Yuki is the 1st person to have a ‘diary’; hence he is called the ‘First’. He holds the ‘Random Diary’ that records whatever he sees in the future. One problem is that his diary does not show what happens to him as he is always the by-stander who records things, as such; the diary only shows what he is going to see.

That’s why ‘Second’, Gasai Yuno AKA Yuno comes in handy. Apparently, she holds the ‘Yukiteru Diary’, which records what she sees happen to Yuki in ten minute intervals. In other words, she is a FREAKING STALKER!!! She is also hopelessly in love (more of an OBSESSION) with Yuki so much so that she is willing to hurt or kill anyone in order to protect Yuki. She is one of the main reasons this anime is so creepy.

I agree with the subs.
Anyways, the objective of the game is to be the last survivor in order to be the God of Space and Time. The diary is very important to its owner as it determines their survival. If a diary is destroyed, not only will they lose in the game, they also cease to exist. As such, one of the ways to eliminate the participants is to destroy 
their diary.

So the story continues with Yuki trying to be alive and Yuno helping him. They formed allies and killed many people in the process.

Damn right you are.
Genre: Horror, Mystery, Romance (sort of)
Theme: One of the lessons I learnt it to do whatever you need in order to survive or protect the one you love, including: Lying, kidnapping, fighting, treason, backstabbing and killing. And this lesson learnt is TOTALLY RIDICULOUS AND HORRIBLE!!! I really do not like the theme of this anime. Seriously, they should rate it to be PG-13 or higher. Some of the scenes were totally gruesome and I skipped those really horrible ones. Oh, and there is rape, but it wasn’t exactly shown (don’t worry, I prove-checked it) but there are hints and underwear scenes. OMG!!! I totally hate these kinds of animes!!! ESPECIALLY ECCHI!!!

Hate this ep. Massive killing spree.
I think this is the first anime that I have absolutely no characters that I like. In my opinion, Yuki is a wimp, Yuno is crazy, and the rest are just psychotic and plain retarded. The anime is totally not funny at all, so do not think you will laugh. And DO NOT watch this anime in a dark room, especially when it is raining… I did that and regretted. TOTALLY. Well, the anime is usually alright, until some diary owner shows up, then everything starts to get creepy.
In conclusion, this is a seriously scary anime that I had to get out of my system by watching some comedy...

It aired on 10th Oct 2011, and has currently 6 episodes.
Enjoy the PV!

And now I am going to write the next review…. HAHAHA :D
Hint for next review: Fairy!!!
Till next time!!! :D
Editor Note: Geh, why am I the only one still having school!!!! T_T

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