Friday, November 11, 2011

Recruitment Notice

November 11, 2011
Posted by DarrenW

We are recruiting Authors and Reviewers.

Good evening all, I hope everything's been allright so far.
I am here to announce a very serious predicament, yes, we are short of staff! 
We only have 3 core authors, of which most of the time, we are only talking about anime. 
So basically, we are appealing to you guys, the public, for help!


Anime Authors
Must have some knowledge about some animes. At least 2 posts a month is enough. Any anime from any genre is accepted, except for hentai. I draw the line at that. As long as you like sharing your own opinions about anime, its fine!

Manga Authors
Must have some degree of knowledge about anime. Any genre of anime is supported, except the indecent ones, you know the idea. Same rules like anime, as long as you like sharing them, join us!

Music/Otaku Reviewers
Have knowledge about anime music or the likes, simple posts about the japanese artist and we're happy! It must include all the albums/singles that the artist has posted. If you wish to leave HTML codes with the music link, you may also wish to do so.

If you wish to post other stuff, like youtube MAD or your own personal categories of anime stuff, you are also invited to do so! We won't bother.

Writing your Review

So you are probably wondering what is the process like at WWHCurrent. Well it's simple:
1. Simple write your post, in email or word document format, and send it to our editors, FayeA or Tr3xus. You may also attach pictures with your review or we'll do it for you.
2. The editors will start piecing together the post and publish it on WWHCurrent.


WHAT? Rejection? No way. Personally I won't even think of that if you apply for us.

So think about it! You can reach me, DarrenW, at, if you are interested, or reply in the comments below! 

Thank you very much for your time!

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