Monday, July 4, 2011

Past Animes Review: Eden Of The East / 東のエデン

Noblesse oblige, please continue to be the messiah!

Ah, a political anime, this is definitely a first. Today I'll be doing a review on "Higashi no Eden" (東のエデン), one of the more interesting animes that i watched.

Careless Monday
So what is Higashi no Eden? Well let me explain.

What would you do if you were suddenly selected and given 10 billion yen and told to save Japan? Certainly hypothetical, but this happens in real life for a few certain individuals in this anime.

Noblesse Oblige Phone
On the 22nd of November 2010, 10 missiles strike Japan, but hit uninhabited areas, resulting in no victims at all. The event became regarded as a terrorist act, "Careless Monday", but was forgotten because there were no victims.

The anime begins with the main character, Saki Morimi, who visits Washington D.C. on a trip. However, when she visits the White House, bumps into a man Takizawa Akira, whom is wielding a gun and holding a phone, COMPLETELY NAKED. He has no recollection of what happened in the past, or even who he is. They then become friends and return to Japan, to find out more missiles have been launched.

Saki Morima
Most surprisingly, Akira's phone has money in it. 8.2 Billion Yen to be precise. It soon develops that he is a member of a game, a game that has been dveloped by a Mr Outside, by which each of the 12 members, Seleção, are given 10 Billion Yen to save Japan. The phone has a special function, where the operators are able to talk through their personal assistant, Juiz (Portugeze for Judge) and receive any order they want done, for a price of course. However, Seleção are "eliminated" if they use up all 
the 10 billion yen or use the money for their own selfish benefits.

Takizawa Akira, No. 9
So you might be thinking, where does "Eden Of The East" fit in all of this? Well, it is the name given by Saki's friends, who developed a software by which can identify any object and give relevant information about it.

Upon further progression into the series, Akira discovers that the missles fired on "Careless Monday" are actually sent by another Seleção! And he/she plans to do it again, to save Japan! What will Akira, Saki and their friends do to stop it?


Not to give anymore spoilers, i think its best that you watch this anime. Haha. If you are the sort of person who loves confusing plots and mystery, or even looking for a "different" kind of anime, THIS IS DEFINITELY for YOU!

Also, they even made 2 movies as sequels! Awesome!

"Eden Of The East" has 11 episodes, premiering from April 9 to June 18 2009 and 2 movies, named "King Of Eden" in September 26 2009 and "Paradise Lost" in November 28 2009

The anime was subbed by... I have NO IDEA! But you can go to streaming websites to find it. It's all there.

Still, no missile incident happened last year! Phew...

I personally recommend this anime for its creativeness and unusual projection, as compared to so many other animes out there. It gives a very insightful and refreshing view into new categories of anime.

It also focuses on a new creative theory. What happens if you give ordinary citizens money? Does it mean that they will use it to help the world? What would be their behaviour? All these themes running through the anime really answers a critical argument in society, and therefore, I believe it is excellent, since, for the first time, you are able to observe such an occurrence, as an anime.

Ah, but please be warned, when the 2 are in america, Akira keeps being naked... It's getting a bit annoying. Wait, is it? Reverse-ECCHI? hahahahaha.

Besides that i don't find anything wrong with it.

Ciao, another anime review coming up soon!


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