Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Random Musings

September 11, 2012
Posted by aaronsine

Hello there, ladies, gentlemen and variations thereupon. This is your new author/editor, aaronsine! (yay) Clearly, my name is Aaron, y'all can call me that if you'd like. (no shit there, though)

Now, before y'all keep on jumping on me and ripping me to shreds for not appearing to do anything, I must clarify that I have been editing stuff! (double yay) Also, I've promised the Almighty and All-Knowing Boss of this place, DarrenW, that I'll be churning out some reviews...which nobody has seen even a pixel of it yet due to my fascinatingly amazing talent and skills at procrastination! (clap clap clap)

This is one of several new types of posts that we sincerely hope will help spice up this place a little bit and make it a bit more fun for everyone, and this particular type, random musings, was thought of by yours truly because I am an incorrigible slacker. (^____^v) On a slightly more serious note, the apparent nonsensical-ness of this post type ensures that we can cover pretty much almost anything and everything we like that's not in our usual postings!

What might be on the agenda for today's random musings? Your guess is as good as mine. How about we talk about ponies and cupcakes and rainbows?



Okay, that was a bad joke. I was, however, intending to blab on and on and on and on endlessly about how boring school life is, and so on...but nah, I'll just recommend and introduce a few videos that I've been watching lately that I find really nice! The videos may or may not be recent, though, because I'm kind of halfway up to date with stuff. That doesn't mean they're not nice though, old is gold, no?

What I love (and hate) about YouTube is that there are so many videos out there. There are as much as 72 hours of video uploaded to YouTube PER FREAKING MINUTE!!!

First off, I've gotta admit that I have this HUGE thing for spacey-wacey things. Also, I think that timelapse videos are cool. (in case you don't know what timelapse is, here's a wikipedia article) Mix 'em both together and I'm bought and sold. (on a side note, if any one of you has a home theater system and/or pretty large TV, try to play this video on it. it's magnificent, to say the least)

Next off, we have this really technical video meant to blow our heads out. Betcha didn't know how to turn a sphere inside out!

Everyone knows about this scary game, called Slender! (if you don't, maybe it's time to crawl out of wherever you are and poke around the interwebs a lil') But do you actually know how to make the game NOT scary? This is like a guide (of sorts!)

In conclusion: Point of this post? NONE WHATSOEVER! (inserts le crazy laughter)

On a slightly more serious note, I promise to be coming up with moar reviews, so please look forward to my reviews!


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