Thursday, May 31, 2012

Initial Impressions: Hyouka

This review has been updated. To see "Hyouka, Final Impressions", click here.

Posted by DarrenW
May 31, 2012


This review is on time I guess, since Hyouka is one of the animes which started later in this season.

Today, I will be reviewing a new anime which I came up at the end of my list, "Hyou-ka"!

So, ever wondered if there was ever a person who was so lazy that he would do anything to save energy?
Well, here he is, introducing our main protagonist, Houtarou Oreki.

Houtarou Oreki
Basically lazy to a serious extent, Houtarou is able to strictly decline any invitation that is presented across him if that it involves him wasting his energy. He does not like to put in effort in things that wastes his energy, and does not join a club or co-curricular activity of any sort. However, due to a request by her sister to save a dying club know as the "Classic Literature Club", Houtarou has no choice but to join it as an only member.

Chitanda Eru
However, when he unlocks and enters the club room, he finds our other main character, Eru Chitanda. An enthusiastic girl, she is always eager to solve a mystery when one is presented in front of her.

Wait a second, how did Eru enter the clubroom when it was locked? Feeling puzzled, she faces Houtarou with an excited face and basically tries to get him to join in to solve the mystery together.

And for the first time ever, he accepts to help investigate.

Satoshi Fukube
Joined by his childhood friend, Satoshi Fukube, they attempt to solve the mystery of the locked door, only to be puzzled. However, Houtarou has a skill that nobody knew. He is able to process mysteries and puzzles at lightning speed.

As he shows the mechanism of his thinking process, we start to see that, though he is lazy, he has an excellent skill in solving mysteries.

Mayaka Ibrara
Joined by Mayaka Ibrara later in the series, the four attempt to solve mysteries one after the other, with Houtarou's help.

Eru also slowly reveals why she joined the Classics Club, as the mystery of her life unfolds, she wants Houtarou to solve it.

Will he solve it? What other mysteries are due to unfold? Will there be a plot development? Those are all mysteries we ourselves have to uncover! Haha.


Personally, mysteries are sometimes what an anime should have. Though action is exciting and all, mysteries can also be exciting in its own ways, making us think about the problems and situation, and process our thoughts, making us a part of the ongoing situation, and also giving some excitement as well.

Somehow I fell of my chair when I saw this
Second, it was a long time since I've seen a real-life school type anime. It also includes funny scenes which helps lighten the mood.

The anime is able to let you see the mystery and give you some time to mull over it before Houtarou presents his hypothesis. This, in that sense, allows the anime to be very interesting, and makes you want to wait for the next episode, and its exciting mystery.

Each mystery is also closely segregated into each episode, so you don't feel bad about needing to wait for the next episode to see the result. There is also not much plot development in the anime, but there is some evidence of it, and I think Eru's life story & the mystery of the classics club 40 years ago certainly will have some sort of awesome plot line later in the anime.

Overall, it has a good impression and you guys should really catch this anime if you are into school-life. Its certainly an anime to watch if you like slow developments and an all rounded anime that doesn't rush into things that feels stressful to watch.

Hyou-ka will have 21 glorious episodes, and is currently fansubbed by Commie, gg and Mazui. It also comes in novel and manga form, the novel dating back since 2001 and the manga since 4 months ago.

Have fun watching!

Hint: Pro-Stop
Edited by FayeA

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