Monday, May 14, 2012

Final Impressions: Inu X Boku SS

May 14, 2012
Posted by DarrenW


EXAMS ARE OVER!!! But I'm still studying for the national exams at the end of the year.

It's me again, and I'm here to bring you guys the Final Impressions for an anime that has been on the waiting list for A LONG TIME.

Oops. The hint is wrong. This review came out first because I wanted to do it compared to the other.

I'm very sorry about this delay because I had to finish those Initial Impressions quickly first before I could get to today's review, "Inu X Boku SS"!!

So the story begins when Ririchiyo Shirakiin, an ojou-sama (rich girl), moves into the apartment complex Maison de Ayakashi. She has the standard character of an ojou-sama, obnoxious and full of pride, however, she's very soft inside, in the cute way.

Everything appears normal in the first few minutes of the first episode, just a girl moving into her new house, but then I find out what the 'SS' in the title means. SECRET SERVICE (Not to be confused with Amagami --> SS <--). Yes, this is no normal apartment complex, its one with PERSONAL SECRET AGENTS at your command.

Like every other normal person's, Ririchiyo says NO to her assigned agent, Soushi Miketsukami. However, the very same day, burglars break in and its then when she realizes another thing. EVERYONE in the apartment has SUPERNATURAL POWERS, specifically, those of demons of which are obtained through blood relation of inhertence. Because of that incident, Shirakiin, touched by Soushi's self-sacrifice, accepts Soushi as her agent.

Basically treated as the special-one since childhood, she has been neglected by her own parents, whom hate her as she manages to acquire that demon power, of which her sister did not get. She basically leads the life of loneliness and quite literally, that of those filled with servants and of no relationships, AT ALL.

Ririchiyo also expresses herself better through that of letters and written material, of which she has very bad socializing skills, as we observe from her sarcastic and rude tone. She does that naturally (Wow).

The story progresses, with the arranged fiance of Ririchyo, Kagerou, who is, in my opinion, very retarded ans spastic, often and always having loud outbursts and classifying everything under S&M (Sadist and Masochist)

Then a real plot develops, of something that happened way before. On Kagerou's return, she suddenly remembers her past, of which she exchanged written letters with him before. This brings up a romance story, between two people who exchanged letters a long time ago, and became lovers. I personally think this was an awesome story.

As the relationship between Ririchiyo and Soushi progresses, the plot makes it all the more obvious, that the two were made for each other.  But I shan't tell you the who lot because it'll spoil your fun.


You will get to find out more about Soushi's life, of which is similar to that of Ririchiyo and that of sadness and loneliness as well. Well, that is until Kagerou entered his life I guess.

And I can't stand Zange Natsume, how the hell does he keep his lips so pointy??

Plot-wise, the plot really didn't appear until near the 2nd half of the anime, of which was well expressed over a few episodes, but eventually the climax was a SUUUUUPER LONG EXPLANATION by Soushi, which I felt was okay yeah, but a bit rushed.

The theme of romance is well expressed, and I particularly like this love story because it's very touching. I have never really felt this romance theme ever since I watched "CLANNAD" and "Angel Beats!" last year. It was also logical and not over the top as what I would have expected, and is decent.

Art is good, no choppy messes and the majority of the scenes are well detailed. Many of the female characters are actually quite cute.

The atmosphere is warm, with most of the workers in the apartment complex giving the sense of friendship and unity. Not one character in the anime was actually NORMAL.

Climax scene was not at all climatic, though there was real fighting but thanks to Kagerou it was ALL OKAY AT THE END?

Personally I would like to commend that the anime managed something original and gave a good lasting impression at the end of it. Though I was not very impressed with the amount of action, since it WAS an anime with the main characters possesing supernatural powers after all. The use of the supernatural appeared to be just an aid to help the plot and atmosphere for the romance along. Sigh...

Inu x Boku SS has 12 episodes, and premiered on January 12th, along with the Winter 2011 season. It has actually finished a long time ago, but due to delays on my part, this review is super late. It is being fansubbed by EveTaku, Hadena, Commie and Zenyaku. There is also a manga with 6 volumes.

Hint: "I want to find out!!"

Edited by FayeA

1 comment:

  1. interesting viewpoint from a guy, I guess. xD

    I went super fangirl over InuBoku (and I'm even planning to cos Watanuki in the future OTL)

    I personally really liked InuBoku and thought the anime to be really short. Yeah, plot-wise, it isn't too strong, but Miketsukami and the uber-cute pairings (be it homo or hetero xD) keeps the fangirls coming. <3
