Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Happy Birthday WWHCurrent!!!

May 1, 2012
Posted by DarrenW

It was on this very day a year ago that I wrote my very first review: "The World God Only Knows (S2)". I remember I was very bad at expressing myself so I kept the reviews that time short. But of course, its a very different story now.

For those who didn't know, yes, today we've reached a milestone, an entire year of reviews without much intermission.

We managed to grow from just myself to 8 people, of which I am very proud of to call my teammates. From just 10 hits a day to a dazzling 412 a day, and having comments, which I never got before.

I'd like to thank everyone who has helped WWHC along its journey, including SparkNorkx, for commenting :D, as well as all of you readers out there. Yes, you. You helped us build this website into the way it is today.

By right, I was supposed to have submitted a new promo video, but my windows computer crashed... (Sigh...). In case you don't know my reviews were always from a Mac.

May you continue to support us while we continue to provide you with top-notch reviews (hopefully) of your seasonal entertainment for many many year to come!

*I'm also very sorry that there was not a lot to celebrate about because for some of us, our mid-sem exams are... tomorrow! I will have to go back to studying in a while.

Oh yes, and we will be making a few changes to the site later in the month. This theme has been going quite too long eh?

Thank you again Arisa. Very nice.

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