Sunday, August 28, 2011

Past Animes Review: Oniichan no Koto Nanka Zenzen Suki Jainan Dakara ne!! / お兄ちゃんのことなんかぜんぜん好きじゃないんだからねっ!!

First of all, FayeA is sick, so the editing was rather slow. (Get well FayeA!)

And in the end, it falls back to me, because none of the other authors would review this kind of stuff.

Yes, it is that Bro-Con/BL-love/Pervert Anime, Oniichan no Koto Nanka Zenzen Suki Jainan Dakara ne!! (I Don't Love My Brother At All!) (お兄ちゃんのことなんかぜんぜん好きじゃないんだからねっ!!) And the LONGEST TITLE EVER.

Yes, this is an ALL OUT ECCHI anime, just on the likes of KissXSis & To-Love-Ru.
But of course, I will do an honest review about this anime, just like any other I've done so far.

Now what is the setting for this anime. Yes it's a school setting, as usual, and the main characters are Nao & Shusuke Takanashi, both of whom are attending a nearby high-school. Now you are probably wondering; "ewww! Incest Love!", which is not actually true! They are actually not blood-related, as Nao was adopted. And yes, Nao has a fetish, for his brother... Bro-Con (Other way round)

Things go peacefully as Shusuke's sister spys on his brother, in terms of searching his brother's possessions for ero-material (You know what that is! I don't need to tell you!). This is because Shusuke is, YES, a pervert. Always looking for panty shots & collecting ero-mags. Let me also take this time to explain his club, the "A.G.E.". Now what is that? It is the All-Genre-Ero club, of which the club share their ERO experiences together and also spending time together. Yuck.

Now of course, let me explain the girl's side of things. Nao isn't normal too. She has some lingering affection for her brother, all in all are cute, but weird and creepy. She becomes uncontrollable when she sees something erotic, and sometimes she likes to fantasize.

Holy S***
Who are the other 2 girls? Well, they are Iroha Tsuchiura, Shusuke's childhood friend who just moved back next door. The weird things? Spying on Shusuke. Aparrently SHE also has a lingering affection for Shusuke. This is because of some incident that happened when they were young, which I DON'T want to explain. She likes to use spy equipment and near the end of the season, there will be something shocking that ECCHI people would hate to see!

And of course the other girl is Kondou Mayuka, who is Shusuke's class' representative. She is the study type and things go along well. Until... BL. Yes she is what I would call hardcore BL lover. She loves to read BL comics and get's discovered by Shusuke! And if you watch the swimsuit episode (2nd one i think), it begins to get freaky...

All in all, everyone is not normal, even the parents of Nao & Shusuke.

And for a brief guide:

Plot: Very broken at most areas. Can't even tell where plot line is at certain episodes, but meh, what do you expect from a ECCHI anime? And of course, it is not very original, KissXSis, To-Love-Ru, Mayoi Neko Overrun. All Similar.

Theme: If the theme was ECCHI, HAREM and COMEDY, then yes, i give it full marks. Atmosphere is fine. Thank heaven's the producers managed to use full use of penguins. And impression is fair.

My impression? I'm sorry to whoever produced this anime but I'm just appalled by the lack of value. the lack of seriousness and plot of the anime. I didn't find the jokes funny, nor the fact that there's penguins in each episode. I don't really know why i watched it to be frank, and also why people DO WATCH IT, and personally this is one of the worst ones I've ever watched. Unless you are a pervert, I'm gonna have to go very low on this anime.


"Oniichan no Koto Nanka Zenzen Suki Jainan Dakara ne!!" premiered in Winter 2010, from January 9 to March 27 2011, and contains 12 episodes. It was subbed by Doki & Ayako 

PS: IAmBored's 2nd review after this!

Next Anime Review: Stoprecovered


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