Sunday, August 28, 2011

Final Impressions: Sengoku Otome - Momoiro Paradox / 戦国乙女~桃色パラドックス

Hi all, back again

And YES, we are revisiting this anime! And with the current presidential elections going on right now! Which Mr Tan will be elected? Now this is the perfect opportunity to highlight that we are not a political website, only anime & manga!

And I have heard from MedusaS that we have 1200 hits the past month. Thank you on behalf of the WWHCurrent Team!

Hm, where was I.. Ah yes, Sengoku Otome - Momoiro Paradox / 戦国乙女~桃色パラドックス!

I don't really remember how i started watching this anime, but this is one of the most unique animes i've ever seen. This anime is the oldest i have ever seen, 16th Century Style (And i thought Gosick would be the furthest I ever saw)

The story starts off in Japan, where Yoshino Hideyoshi (Coincidentally named after the famous feudal lord Toyotomi Hideyoshi in Japan) is a high school girl in modern Japan. She has her own lifestyle and way of living, like a normal High - School girl at their age. She has a ring of friends whom she is very close to. And a sensei that cares about her.

In the first episode, you can already see the plot developing rapidly. She goes to a temple to pray for
good luck. However, she doesn't have good luck. She has some kind of accident, and crashes into the temple, and gets sucked into a magic portal!

Yoshino Hideyoshi
When she wakes up, its the 16th Century Japan! (Sengoku period) and meets Akerin (One of her friends) and realises its not Akerin but Akechi Mitsuhide (Another historical figure). She also meets Oda Nobunaga (Famous Feudal Lord in Sengoku Period), whom is in a conquest to find the "Crimson Armour" a red colour set of armour, when unified, will let its leader unite the country. Unfortunately the sets are scattered all around Japan. Taking a liking to Hideyoshi (It looks a lot like Yuri...), she seeks her help to retrieve the crimson armour and she agrees. I also forgot to mention, EVERYBODY in the cast are WOMEN. (fyi: all these warlords in the past are all men.)

Oda Nobunaga
The story continues with laughter, and a lot of fun. A historical fantasy that one cannot miss! If you are looking for humour and real-life 16th Century living, watch this Anime!

I also realised that ALL the characters are historical figures, all of whom are very famous in the Sengoku Period of Japan (1467 - 1603) . I mean, is that allowed? Aren't people going to make noise over this?

However, one part i don't like about this anime is the clothes they wear. Aw man... It's those anime that is quite revealing. At first it was okay, but right when i was going to do the review, episode 7 appeared... You can watch it to find out, HAHA!

Some more information, (After watching finish)

Plot-wise, Sengoku Otome has done relatively well, thought I would say its not perfect. The plot development of time travel and the presence of this abnormal world is relatively well defined, and also the whole story of how all this is happening.

Theme-wise, it has been beautifully illustrated. The 16th century style Sengoku-period is vividly shown, (however I am not Japanese so I don't know whether it was shown right.)

Atmosphere wise, this anime has apparently LESS ECCHI scenes despite the appearance of all the characters, thought the flow of the anime is quite shaky at certain periods.

Akechi Mitsuhide
Final impression is not very good, though I HIGHLY commend the final moral of the story, that no one can defeat enemies alone, and if we work together as one, we can achieve anything.

Sengoku Otome - Momoiro Paradox is subbed by Kyouki - Tsuki, and for untold reasons, the other subbers, Akatsuki & nanisubs both dropped subbing the show.

Sengoku Otome - Momoiro Paradox is 13 episodes long, and premiered from April 5 to June 28

Enjoy your day!

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