Monday, August 29, 2011

Staff Exhausted.

Dear readers,

Left: IAmBored                   Right: DarrenW

You might have realized that our review pace was slightly delayed at times and slightly fast at times. The truth is, we are having difficulties in posting the reviews on schedule. Why?

First off, over the last week, FayeA had been on medical leave, because she has contracted a fever and flu. (T_T). Hence she is in bed and editing the work for her is a bit much.

And of course, Tr3xus has been doing his part in her place diligently. :D

Second, MedusaS has taken leave because, as you all might not know, she is American, and she lives in New York. After her review on Thursday, she had to leave her house due to Hurricane Irene.

Thirdly, TWPS has also taken leave, for a vacation? Well, let's leave it at that. When she comes back next week, we will have a new mascot for WWHC!

Of course, let's wish FayeA a speedy recovery, MedusaS & TWPS a safe journey home!

For the time being, it looks like we are understaffed. Though, it probably is nothing you readers should worry about!


Past Animes Review: Kuroshitsuji / 黒執事

I am bored here… (No PUN intended)

As you have noticed (or will notice) I am the type of person who hates to watch ongoing animes (So I will leave it to DarrenW and MedusaS)… It pisses me off when I have to wait for the next episode. I will feel like strangling someone especially if the anime or manga stops at a cliffhanger. Then I get bored (hence my name) and I will do random stuff or sleep. Zzz. I love to watch short animes. It gives me a sense of pride that I can finish one anime in 6 hours :D (My record)

Anyways…  Let’s start with: “Kuroshitsuji” AKA “Black Butler” 黒執事 !

This did not come out as early as Ouran. The first episode was released in October 2008 and there are 24 episodes in total. WARNING! This anime is quite gory and bloody, full of fighting scenes. If this is not your cup of tea, please refrain from watching it…

The story is set in the Victorian era London (with mansions, horse carriages and everything…) Protagonist #1 is Sebastian Michaelis, a butler who serves Protagonist #2 Lord Earl Ciel Phantomhive. Ciel is a 12 year old orphan whose parents are murdered in a fire on his 10th birthday. He is the head of the Phantomhive family and owns a candy and toy manufacturing company, Funtom Company. He also serves the Queen as her “Guard Dog”. Sebastian is a demon who is bounded by a contract with Ciel. Ciel, in order to avenge his parents’ death, exchanged his soul for the service of Sebastian.

The sign for their bond is a star polygon which is on Sebastian’s hand and in Ciel’s eye. SPOILER: It is mentioned in episode 4 that the closer the mark is to the eye, the stronger the bond will be. However, this also makes the demon easier to track down the human to get his soul. (Actually, IDK if this is considered a spoiler. HAHAHA)

CHARACTERS (the interesting ones, since there is wayyyyy too many)

<-- Ciel. KAWAII!!! XD

--> Sebastian
 <-- Finnian, the gardener for Phantomhive family. The background was supposed to be the garden, but he put too much fertilizers. (O_o)
--> Baldroy, the cook for the Phantomhive family. He loves using explosions and the results of his cooking are 80 percent charcoal and 20 percent broken dishes. (According to the manga)
<-- Mey-Rin, maid of Phantomhive family. She is extremely clumsy and short-sighted.
The 3 servants are more of a hindrance than help for Sebastian. In the anime, they serve as a comical relieve.

--> Tanaka (ojichan in the middle) is the steward of the Phantomhive family. His notable quote: “Ho, ho, ho…”
Side note: For those who do not understand Chinese, the words in the picture means “sense of normalcy”. Please don’t ask me why there are Chinese words in a Japanese anime. IDK.

--> Ciel’s fiancée and cousin, Lady Elizabeth Ethel Cordelia Midford. She loves kawaii things. Not to be biased or anything, but I don’t like her. She broke Ciel’s ring and annoys him… (She annoys me too)

Plot: Err… Haha. It’s actually quite cliché… Victorian era, mansions, servants, maids and a bunch of ridiculous people… sounds familiar? The fresh part is the contract with the demon. Usually you see animes with exorcists trying to exterminate demons. (Hint for next review) It’s rare to see humans working with (a better word in Ciel’s case is “using”) demons.

Kawaii version of them together :D
Theme: Comedy, Tragedy, (oxymoron… I know) Mystery, Supernatural, Bloody. Lessons learnt are: what goes around comes around. There is an action-reaction thing going on. And don’t have contacts with demons!

Atmosphere: The first few episodes are more light-hearted. However, towards the end it just gets darker, more violent, and bloodier. *Evil grin*

Okay, the rating thingy (purely my views):


By the way, Kuroshitsuji 2 was out in July 2010 and completed. There are 12 episodes in total. I will not be doing a review for Kuro2 as I stopped 15 minutes into the 1st episode. The protagonists changed, and one of them is SUPER GAY (no offence intended)!!! 

Ciel and Sebastian are featured too, but at the very end. So, for a wholesome conclusion to the anime, please watch the two animes. (I have a big mouth otaku friend… So I know the ending without actually watching it :D) BTW, the anime and characters are based on the manga but the storyline is quite different.
There are also 5 OVAs.

ENJOY!!! I like the animation and it’s an awesome English song: D (In my opinion) Song is I’m Alive by Becca.


ACHOOOO!  0_o / -_-

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Past Animes Review: Oniichan no Koto Nanka Zenzen Suki Jainan Dakara ne!! / お兄ちゃんのことなんかぜんぜん好きじゃないんだからねっ!!

First of all, FayeA is sick, so the editing was rather slow. (Get well FayeA!)

And in the end, it falls back to me, because none of the other authors would review this kind of stuff.

Yes, it is that Bro-Con/BL-love/Pervert Anime, Oniichan no Koto Nanka Zenzen Suki Jainan Dakara ne!! (I Don't Love My Brother At All!) (お兄ちゃんのことなんかぜんぜん好きじゃないんだからねっ!!) And the LONGEST TITLE EVER.

Yes, this is an ALL OUT ECCHI anime, just on the likes of KissXSis & To-Love-Ru.
But of course, I will do an honest review about this anime, just like any other I've done so far.

Now what is the setting for this anime. Yes it's a school setting, as usual, and the main characters are Nao & Shusuke Takanashi, both of whom are attending a nearby high-school. Now you are probably wondering; "ewww! Incest Love!", which is not actually true! They are actually not blood-related, as Nao was adopted. And yes, Nao has a fetish, for his brother... Bro-Con (Other way round)

Things go peacefully as Shusuke's sister spys on his brother, in terms of searching his brother's possessions for ero-material (You know what that is! I don't need to tell you!). This is because Shusuke is, YES, a pervert. Always looking for panty shots & collecting ero-mags. Let me also take this time to explain his club, the "A.G.E.". Now what is that? It is the All-Genre-Ero club, of which the club share their ERO experiences together and also spending time together. Yuck.

Now of course, let me explain the girl's side of things. Nao isn't normal too. She has some lingering affection for her brother, all in all are cute, but weird and creepy. She becomes uncontrollable when she sees something erotic, and sometimes she likes to fantasize.

Holy S***
Who are the other 2 girls? Well, they are Iroha Tsuchiura, Shusuke's childhood friend who just moved back next door. The weird things? Spying on Shusuke. Aparrently SHE also has a lingering affection for Shusuke. This is because of some incident that happened when they were young, which I DON'T want to explain. She likes to use spy equipment and near the end of the season, there will be something shocking that ECCHI people would hate to see!

And of course the other girl is Kondou Mayuka, who is Shusuke's class' representative. She is the study type and things go along well. Until... BL. Yes she is what I would call hardcore BL lover. She loves to read BL comics and get's discovered by Shusuke! And if you watch the swimsuit episode (2nd one i think), it begins to get freaky...

All in all, everyone is not normal, even the parents of Nao & Shusuke.

And for a brief guide:

Plot: Very broken at most areas. Can't even tell where plot line is at certain episodes, but meh, what do you expect from a ECCHI anime? And of course, it is not very original, KissXSis, To-Love-Ru, Mayoi Neko Overrun. All Similar.

Theme: If the theme was ECCHI, HAREM and COMEDY, then yes, i give it full marks. Atmosphere is fine. Thank heaven's the producers managed to use full use of penguins. And impression is fair.

My impression? I'm sorry to whoever produced this anime but I'm just appalled by the lack of value. the lack of seriousness and plot of the anime. I didn't find the jokes funny, nor the fact that there's penguins in each episode. I don't really know why i watched it to be frank, and also why people DO WATCH IT, and personally this is one of the worst ones I've ever watched. Unless you are a pervert, I'm gonna have to go very low on this anime.


"Oniichan no Koto Nanka Zenzen Suki Jainan Dakara ne!!" premiered in Winter 2010, from January 9 to March 27 2011, and contains 12 episodes. It was subbed by Doki & Ayako 

PS: IAmBored's 2nd review after this!

Next Anime Review: Stoprecovered


Final Impressions: Sengoku Otome - Momoiro Paradox / 戦国乙女~桃色パラドックス

Hi all, back again

And YES, we are revisiting this anime! And with the current presidential elections going on right now! Which Mr Tan will be elected? Now this is the perfect opportunity to highlight that we are not a political website, only anime & manga!

And I have heard from MedusaS that we have 1200 hits the past month. Thank you on behalf of the WWHCurrent Team!

Hm, where was I.. Ah yes, Sengoku Otome - Momoiro Paradox / 戦国乙女~桃色パラドックス!

I don't really remember how i started watching this anime, but this is one of the most unique animes i've ever seen. This anime is the oldest i have ever seen, 16th Century Style (And i thought Gosick would be the furthest I ever saw)

The story starts off in Japan, where Yoshino Hideyoshi (Coincidentally named after the famous feudal lord Toyotomi Hideyoshi in Japan) is a high school girl in modern Japan. She has her own lifestyle and way of living, like a normal High - School girl at their age. She has a ring of friends whom she is very close to. And a sensei that cares about her.

In the first episode, you can already see the plot developing rapidly. She goes to a temple to pray for
good luck. However, she doesn't have good luck. She has some kind of accident, and crashes into the temple, and gets sucked into a magic portal!

Yoshino Hideyoshi
When she wakes up, its the 16th Century Japan! (Sengoku period) and meets Akerin (One of her friends) and realises its not Akerin but Akechi Mitsuhide (Another historical figure). She also meets Oda Nobunaga (Famous Feudal Lord in Sengoku Period), whom is in a conquest to find the "Crimson Armour" a red colour set of armour, when unified, will let its leader unite the country. Unfortunately the sets are scattered all around Japan. Taking a liking to Hideyoshi (It looks a lot like Yuri...), she seeks her help to retrieve the crimson armour and she agrees. I also forgot to mention, EVERYBODY in the cast are WOMEN. (fyi: all these warlords in the past are all men.)

Oda Nobunaga
The story continues with laughter, and a lot of fun. A historical fantasy that one cannot miss! If you are looking for humour and real-life 16th Century living, watch this Anime!

I also realised that ALL the characters are historical figures, all of whom are very famous in the Sengoku Period of Japan (1467 - 1603) . I mean, is that allowed? Aren't people going to make noise over this?

However, one part i don't like about this anime is the clothes they wear. Aw man... It's those anime that is quite revealing. At first it was okay, but right when i was going to do the review, episode 7 appeared... You can watch it to find out, HAHA!

Some more information, (After watching finish)

Plot-wise, Sengoku Otome has done relatively well, thought I would say its not perfect. The plot development of time travel and the presence of this abnormal world is relatively well defined, and also the whole story of how all this is happening.

Theme-wise, it has been beautifully illustrated. The 16th century style Sengoku-period is vividly shown, (however I am not Japanese so I don't know whether it was shown right.)

Atmosphere wise, this anime has apparently LESS ECCHI scenes despite the appearance of all the characters, thought the flow of the anime is quite shaky at certain periods.

Akechi Mitsuhide
Final impression is not very good, though I HIGHLY commend the final moral of the story, that no one can defeat enemies alone, and if we work together as one, we can achieve anything.

Sengoku Otome - Momoiro Paradox is subbed by Kyouki - Tsuki, and for untold reasons, the other subbers, Akatsuki & nanisubs both dropped subbing the show.

Sengoku Otome - Momoiro Paradox is 13 episodes long, and premiered from April 5 to June 28

Enjoy your day!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Pre-Review Update

MedusaS in the house!

And DarrenW had to go host some programme in his school. Wow.

ANYWAY, before I post the review, just would like to say, on behalf of the staff @ WWHCurrent, WE HAVE OFFICIALLY BROKEN THE RECORD FOR LAST MONTH'S HITS.


Secondly, I would like to say that STEINS;GATE 20 was AWESOME. Never, in my life had a ever seen such an EPIC ANTI-CLIMAX. Those who watch it, you will know! I thought it would just end in a normal way, but OMG that last minute of the episode was AWESOME.

How will Kyouma get out of this situation? WHO WILL DIE?

Stay gripped in your seats!


Thursday, August 25, 2011

Summer 2011 Anime OP & ED Rankings Part 2

Yes, it is I, fabulous me as always! XD

And now I'll be doing the OP & ED rankings for the TOP 4!

And for fourth place!

4th Place

Usagi Drop OP


YES! THIS CUTE ANIME'S OP surely deserves to be 4th. Don't the catchy lyrics just want to make you clap along?? Well certainly for me. AND GUESS WHAT. The song is "Sweet Drops" sung by none other than PUFFY. AMIYUMI. Yes, for americans, europeans and viewers all around the world, it is the SAME ARTIST that same the opening for TEEN TITANS. Was quite shocked when I went to check. However, the opening for Usagi Drop didn't score that well for transition, as it stuck at one frame for i believe 30 seconds of the time, but definitely full marks for ART. And there is no video because youtube DOESN'T have any mirrored ones. If you want to go and see it, search for it yourself.

3rd Place



OMG, CUTE ANIMES ALL THE WAY. Personally, DarrenW likes this the best, because it has cute girls (lolic...). HOWEVER, that's not the point. Why it is 3rd is. Main reasons? Because of the song & the transition. Well perfect, since the anime is about idols anyway. The song is also catchy, but has a very light and warm tone to it, and it is titled "READY!!" which has been sung by all 12 voice actors in this anime, hence I don't know who is the artist. 765 PRO? hahaha.

2nd Place

Mawaru Penguindrum OP


ZZZzzz. This anime doesn't even have its OP on youtube. Anyway, this OP and the 1st place one was the argument me and DarrenW had. Reasons why we liked it? The anime looked so calm and cool! Especially with the penguins and the transition, it really felt impressive, very much like Eden Of The East again. Besides that, the song, though not very nice at the start, it gets better as you listen more times. It's called "Noruniru" and is sung by "Yakushimaru Etsuko and the Metro Orchestra (Wow and this anime is about the subway)


1st Place

Hanasaku Iroha OP2

YES, DIDN'T EXPECT THAT DID YOU? Why this anime's OP is first? because it has the BEST SONG & ART & TRANSITION. The song "Omokage Warp" by "nano.RIPE" is catchy, has a nice drum roll, and the best electric guitar. I was blown away. And the producers manage to link the actions of the characters with the song really well! Especially the last part.


HAHAHAHA. Well, it isn't an OP or ED anyway.


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Summer 2011 Anime OP & ED Rankings

Yes all readers,
It is finally the time we reveal the best Openings & Endings this season. As usual we will be ranking the TOP 7 that has been decided by our panel of judges.
As some of you who have been with us since we started, the last time we did this was in May.
DISCLAIMER: All Videos are mirrored and all credit goes to the producers of the following material. WE DO NOT OWN THEM.
Ikoku Meiro no Croisée OP

Yes, it is the french-japanese Opening Ikoku Meiro no Croisée! (With the aprostrophe which I always have a problem typing out). The song "Sekai wa Odoru yo, Kimi to." whom I don't know who is the artist or singer. It has a warm fuzzy feeling and depicts france very well, as it has the instrument that the french always play. The song is very calm though, but the main reason is because of the ART. (Yes, we don't grade OP/ED by song alone).
Ikoku Meiro no Croisée ED

And for 6th place, it is the OP from the same anime! Now this was where the "heated argument" was. MedusaS said that this was the DEFINITELY the 6th position, because the ED is so cute!!! So yes, even though Yuna's voice in this ED is high, the song is very touching and heartening. The song is "Koko kara Hajimaru Monogatari" whom I also don't know who the artist is. And the field of flowers & the bed are certainly things that caught my attention.

Mayo Chiki OP

Haha, no idea why this is on 5th place? Its because of the song. Certainly the content of the anime is.. questionable, but "Be Starters!" by Eri Kimatura is definitely a nice song for the OP of this anime. Transition of the OP is also good, though I don't understand the circles. If you are wondering why is the video not here, ask the owners of the anime. I didn't want to put the edited one up because it sounded very bad, then you all will start trolling.
MedusaS will do the last 4 positions tomorrow!
And yes, I'm supposed to do the next review, please forgive me otakus, I know waiting for your anime stuff is murder for you guys. Tell you what, I'll do 2 reviews tomorrow ok?
Hint for that 2nd review: Red hair & Green hair...

Monday, August 22, 2011

Short Delay...


Left: MedusaS                          Right: DarrenW
My profile pic looks AWESOME! ^_^ -------->
Great job TWPS!

FayeA here! Just wanted to tell you all that there will be a short delay in our posts! Apparently there is some disagreement for the rankings for Summer Anime OP/EDs.

Anyway for the time being you all have to wait until tomorrow!
And have you all guessed the next review?


Friday, August 19, 2011

Past Animes Review: Ouran High School Host Club / 桜蘭高校ホスト部

Konnichiwa! (Hello)

Watashi wa (I am a) new author! :D As you can deduce from my name, I am usually very bored (ask DarrenW) HAHAHA... 

Um well, I’m doing a totally different genre from DarrenW and MedusaS. Well, variety is good, right? Ok, just a note before I start, you will never see me reviewing girls dominated animes, because I don’t watch them, HAHAHA.
Here I go! (I decided to start with a simple, non-violent anime)
Ouran High School Host Club (OHSHC) (桜蘭高校ホスト部)

The story kicks start with female protagonist Haruhi Fujioka attending school at the prestigious Ouran Academy as a scholar student. Now, the students in this school all come from wealthy families with the exception of scholars (who come from lower-income level families… Like Haruhi, who is the poorest in school.) 

She was trying to find a quiet place to study when she stumbled into the Third Music Room, a place where the Ouran Host Club uses for their club activities: gather and entertain female clients. (NOTE: NO SEXUAL THINGY, just plain talk, have tea and a bit of flirting etc. Um, there are scenes where the guy lifts the girl’s chin, and then roses appear around them… Same thing applies to the twins (BRO-LOVE.)) 

Anyways, Haruhi accidentally broke this vase that costs at least 8,000,000 yen. (O_o) So, she works as a host club member to pay off her debt (they thought she was a guy at first.) That’s how the story progresses. 6 guys were already in the club when Haruhi joined. They found out she was a girl in the end, but still allowed her to work as a host. The 6 guys are the only ones in the school that knows she is a girl.

Main Characters

<- Haruhi Fujioka, high school freshman. She is quite blunt and is the only normal person in the host club. She is indifferent and quite fearless (except for thunder.) ßSPOILER XD (the thunder part)

<- Tamaki Suoh, full name: René Tamaki Richard de Grantaine, the president (or rather king) of host club. He is the main comic relieve due to his naivety and outspoken personality. He is charismatic and charming, but a bit idiotic at times. He is in 2nd year.

 <- Kyoka Ootori, 2nd year in high school. He is the vice-president and the ‘shadow-king’ of the host club (the real controller of the host club.) He is intelligent, and calculates the financial and social benefits that result from the Host Club's adventures He is also a very pragmatic person that has a cold and uncaring exterior.

 <- Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin (can’t tell who is who, but Hikaru is older), freshman of high school and are in the same class as Haruhi. They are devious, cunning, and mischievous. They like to play pranks on others and annoy Tamaki.

<- Mitsukuni Haninozuka AKA Honey, a 3rd year in high school. He carries around a stuffed bunny called Usa-Chan and loves to eat sweet things. He is the loli-shota type and quite childish. He is champion of judo and karate at school. (KAWAII!!! I LOVE HIM THE MOST XD Just my opinion :D)

 <- Takashi Morinozuka AKA Mori. He is in 3rd year. He is honey’s cousin and very protective of him. He is of the strong and silent type and is the kendo champion. He only speaks when necessary.

Plot: Quite cliché, since there are a lot of stories where the female protagonist dresses up as a guy. In fact, the story doesn’t really progress much; they just have a different theme for dress-up for each episode. Only towards the end, then it gets more interesting… (I’m not telling… *ZIPS MOUTH*)

Theme: Obviously this is a romance themed anime. There is also humor and friendship in the anime. Teaches that friendship is very important so treasure it and you must chase the one you love/like before they are gone.

Atmosphere: Hmmm… The atmosphere is bright, sunny, cheerful and funny throughout the anime. There are only a few sad or dark scenes and they only serves as explanatory purposes. Well, that’s the reason I watched this anime in the first place, for LOL purposes.

The score thingy:


OHSHC aired on April 4, 2006, has 26 episodes and is completed. (One of the first animes I watched.) And there are no OVAs

So, watch this if you want to, LOL XD. This is subbed by LunarAnime

I love the opening: Sakura Kiss.

PS: There is a human acted drama for this anime. Well, I wouldn’t watch it if I were you, because the actors are not very persuasive and the guy acting as honey sucks. The storyline is exactly the same as the anime, even up to the lines… It just came out recently as in July 2011. So please don’t waste your time people, if you were considering. The original is better, since there are a lot of things humans can’t do in animes. :D

I nearly died trying to write this.

Hint for next review: Historical anime again?

Cheers. Till next time. :D

[I died while trying to edit it. (FayeA XD)]