Sunday, November 18, 2012

Beat of the Week: Glitter (Starving Trancer Remix) feat.Another Infinity + extras

Posted by Tr3xus
November 18, 2012

It's that time again for the beat of the week!

This week i'll be talking about one of my current favourite song:
Glitter (Starving Trancer Remix) feat.Another Infinity
Album cover of Glitter / 神巫詞

I came across this song from watching the anime - Fairy Tail. It is the 11th ending song for the anime. There are some songs that will immediately goosebumps when you listen to it. Well, this song gave me lots of goosebumps the first time I heard it! Not many songs give me goosebumps, so this song is rather special to me.
Glitter (Starving Trancer Remix) is a remixed version of Glitter, originally composed by Another Infinity.

Another Infinity is an alias for musicians Starving Trancer and Ryu☆. The remix is basically made by the same people who composed the song ._.

The remix maintains a similar sequence with the original, but is altered to sound more ambient. I personally love the addition of the string instruments (violin) it makes the song sound very epic.

Another notable song by Another Infinity is Towa no Kizuna. Which was also featured on Fairy Tail.

and another notable song by Starving Trancer is Only My Railgun - Starving Trancer feat. MAKI. This song is part of EXIT TUNES which are a series of japanese trance music made by different artists. I love listening to exit trance, they all sound so good!

haha I know I went off topic showing you all other songs, but they are all awesome and I would like to share it with you readers :) hope you all enjoyed this week's collection of j-trance music!


Monday, November 12, 2012

AFA (Anime Festival Asia) 2012

Posted by Tr3xus
November 12, 2012

An awesome weekend of anime & cosplay has come to end. Today, I'll be bringing you a quick coverage on AFA 2012! The event was held in Singapore Expo Hall this year.

There were over 30 stalls in the hall, selling products such as clothes, files, accessories, posters, mugs, figurines and more... It was really exciting to see THAT many anime products all in one location!! The queues are unbelievably long. It can take you 30 minutes JUST TO GET INTO THE SHOP :O

There's a stall dedicated to Madoka Magica, I haven't watched the anime, I heard it's good. I should watch it when I have time~

And then there's the Sword Art Online booth, which sells quite a number of SAO goodies. Unfortunately, when I arrived at the booth, ALL of the goodies have already been sold out T_T
They also had Kirito's swords displayed at the booth. Pretty cool stuff :)

Kirito, watchu lookin at?!

Cool display

Danny Choo also set up a booth displaying several Mirai Suenaga goodies.

Nendoroids, they're so cute!

There were many figurines of One Piece characters~ They also had many of the pirate ships on display. I must say, they are really beautifully made!

Figurines of Accel-world and Code Geass, the variety is endless!

And of course there are cosplays too! This year, a lot of people seemed to cosplay as Kazuto Kirigaya (Kirito) from Sword Art Online. There was a cosplay contest organized as well but I missed it, oh well...

It was a really exciting weekend. I'm already looking forward for next year's AFA! That's all I have for you guys. See ya!


Sunday, November 11, 2012

Beat of the Week: Iosys

Posted by IAmBored
November 11, 2012

Hey everybody!

It's time for Beat Of The Week! And since this is my first time doing it, I hope you all like it :)
With the exception of heavy metal and trot, I listen to every genre of music there is on Earth. However, I will mainly introduce music with strong beats as it is "BEAT" OF THE WEEK. So do look out for a mixture songs of random languages. (I also listen to listen to most languages except for Malay and Tamil. No offence, but the songs are not really my style :P)
If you guys don't know, I am a major Kpop fan... *hint hint* ;)
Ok let's go!

This is one of my favorite Japanese groups :D

IOSYS (イオシス)

Well, I'm not really sure what the symbol means, but their music is awesome. :D

Iosys is a musical ensemble and doujin circle based in Sapporo. There is practically almost no information about the members in this group. The only thing know about the members is that most of them live in Hokkaido and Kanto areas of Japan. 

They are not signed under any company or labels, but they generally release their music through doujin channels such as Comiket convention and their webpage, which is in Japanese so.... Google Translate it, yah?

Anyways, this group is famous for its parodies for character or themes in games such as Touhou Project and Atlus's Etrian Odyssey. Their music videos are generally flash videos of characters in the above mentioned games.
example of a discography
They also produced the 2nd ending credits for Penguin Musume Heart and composed the opening and ending credits music for Yumekui Merry.

They generally do quite a range of music, but they do focus very much on electronic music and rock. The main singers of the group are females, and their voices are rather high-pitched, but it is not to the extend of annoying. :)

On a side note, their Engrish is rather.... awesome. If you really want to know what they are singing, I strongly suggest everyone to look up the lyrics. Otherwise, you probably have no idea what they are singing about.

They have a lot of discographies, but I will just choose my favorite ones :D

Artifical Children
I really like the flow of the music. They use so many instruments. SO NICE :) And the vocals are also very very soothing. The lyrics are also very meaningful, but a bit deep for me to understand HAHA. No English in this song. The video is a bit repetitive because the original video is shorter than the song and the uploader tried to make it as long as the song. 

Border of Death
A rock kind of music. The lyrics are also nice but deep. The best part about the song? The ENGRISH :D JKJK It's a very very nice song. And there's lyrics :)


Cirno's perfect math class
The cutest song EVER!!! Very very catchy song! Another electric kinda song, and the lyrics are hilarious. HAHA. This song is pretty short for Iosys. :) BAKA BAKA. LOL.

Ok that's it people!
Till next time!

Edited by Tr3xus

Final Impressions: Arcana Famiglia

Posted by IAmBored
November 11, 2012

Hello people :)

This is a comedy-action anime.

La storia della Arcana Famiglia (アルカナ・ファミリア) Arcana Famiglia, Italian for "The Story of the Arcane Family")

The story is starts in Regalo Islands, an island that specializes in trading. There is an organisation called Arcana Famiglia, which is some sort of like a police force in the area. They protect the island from threats, within and outside the island. So they patrol in groups to protect the island and maintain peace within.

Sumire - Mama

There is a 'Papa' (Mondo), who is the head of the family, and a 'Mama' (Sumire) who is his wife, and also the judge of the family. They are like the father and mother figure in the family. They are also the parents of the only female protagonist in this story, Felicita. Go watch it to know how to pronounce it... Trust me, at least 50% will pronounce it wrong the first time they see her name. Me included.

So this family is different from others as each of the members have a contact with Arcana cards  (Something like the tarot cards). They each have a special power and they have the mark of the card somewhere on their body. Everyone has a different spot on their body.
The family

The anime starts with the Papa's birthday!!! He announces that there will be a Arcana Duello among the Arcana users to choose his successor. The winner of the duel will not only win the "Papa" seat, he also gets a wish and his daughter's hand in marriage. Of course the ojousama (lady, as called by many of the members in the family) is furious and refuses to let her future be controlled by her father. As such, she decides to train and participate in this competition as well, so as to choose her own future.

Together with Nova, who is her cousin and childhood friend, and Liberta, who is also her childhood friend, they set out to win the duel with a common goal: To win the duel and not let Felicita get married. As such, they encounter quite a number of challenges and they grew stronger after facing each one.
Pace - Mr-I-love-l...y

Other minor characters include Luca, the attendant for Felicita. Pace, who is a big eater with huge strength. Debito, the guy who always calls Felicita "Bambina", which means little girl. Dante, the bald guy with enormous guns and lastly, Jolly, who appears to be the antagonist. I am still a little perplexed by him...

The Bad:


2) *cough* Errr... The humor in the anime is either pun, or someone gets beaten up in a funny way... And it is not exactly the HAHAHA kind which I like...

3) Well, this anime has the potential to become a really good fighting anime like hitman reborn, but something was screwed up halfway...

4) The characters were not exactly well developed, there are like little stories per episode to show their lives before they join the arcana, and how they trained their powers etc but...

5) The little romance that the producers put in the anime is interesting but pathetic.... Come on, how many more triangle loves do we need? Cliché...

6) Awkward conversations...

7) WHAT THE F... I have nothing else to add.


The Good:

1) The graphics are really nice :) Good animations.

2) The soundtrack...?

3) -________-

So basically, it is a total let down. I was really expecting an awesome anime. But what do you expect from an anime that is without a manga? This anime originated from a game for PSP with the same title. So basically the producers like dug into their brains to make a pathetic storyline. Ok maybe it is not that pathetic, but its focus is like, lop-sided. The first episode already mentions that there will be a duel, so one would expect it to immediately focus on the preparations or the emotions for the upcoming battle etc...

BUT NOOOOO, we have to deal with the emotional crap of the characters' sad past and random awkward stuff that took up more than 70% of the entire series. Then everything else was squeezed into the final few episodes. COME ON...Its not like there are a load of episodes for you to squeeze everything into...
The shortest duel ever

All in all it was a stupid anime that I am never going to watch again rather reasonable anime for its lack of manga to back the plot. If there is a sequel I may consider watching it, but I would probably wait for it to finish serializing before watching it.


For those of you out there who are considering watching this, if you hate any of the points I mentioned before, then don't bother watching... SERIOUSLY. I am never a person to discourage people from watching an anime, yet you will always find an exception somewhere somehow. Otherwise, I do wish that those who are going to watch this anime keep an open mind about this anime, and do remember that however awesome the beginning is, it is going to go downhill very fast... To those who are looking forward to waste a bit of time, I do welcome you to watch this anime :). It is quite a fun piece of work to watch if you do not have high expectations.

I have no words to describe how disappointed I am...


Producers who are seeing this don't sue me. I am giving my honest opinion about the anime. I am not paid to do this...

"La storia della Arcana Famiglia" debut on 1st July 2012 and is fan-subbed by CommieHorribleSubsNyanTaku & Hatsuyuki. The anime ended on 16th September 2012 with only 12 episodes. It ended quite early... :(

I used a lot of "..." today. It represents my lack of vocabulary to express my inner thoughts.

Edited by Tr3xus