Monday, August 13, 2012

Initial Impressions: Tari Tari

13 August, 2012
Posted by DarrenW & MedusaS

Hey readers,

As promised, I will be reviewing a new season anime, Tari Tari today!

Though it is an anime that follows the same school-life / real-life setting, it has some interesting points to note, which is very different from otehr animes with the same background.

So what happens when you are in a performing arts club, but your teacher-in-charge tells you: "No, you can't participate in this year's recital? No doubt you'll get pissed, but what about setting up ANOTHER club that suits your liking?

And there and there is the main introduction for our anime, Tari Tari, where the unfortunate Konantsu Miyamoto has her dreams dashed, when her teacher-in-charge (AKA Vice Principal), assigns her to page flipping in the up and coming recital, due to the mishap the previous year, when she gave an outburst when singing a part she shouldn't have.

Recruiting her friend Sawa Okita and her classmate Wakana Sanai, she manages to blackmail her brother and gets more recruits.

I like how Commie Subs did the subbing.
And so, the choir club was formed! Having about 10 members, they manage to make it to the recital. But their advisor, the principal (who is a damn nice guy and supports them) gets into an accident and is unable to supervise them.

In the end, only Konantsu, Sawa, and Wakana make it to the recital, where Konantsu finally managed to sing to her hearts content. Yay!

The only problem. After the recital. Members begin to leave as they find no more purpose to be in the club. In the end, only three are left. With the irritating vice-principal asking them to close down due to insufficient members, what will our main characters do? Will Konantsu be able to live her ambition of singing professionally, what about Sawa, Wakana, Wien and Taichi?

Btw, Wien is a foreign exchange student from Austria and Taichi Tanaka is the only badminton sports club member in the school.



Tari Tari initially, was not appealing as an anime because I was already quite tired with the standard-school-setting and all that, but once again, I was proven wrong.

Tari Tari embodies the deep sense of the importance of music in everybody's life. Though not evidently shown yet, I believe all the five characters will have their lives changed when they encounter music, the most serious one being Wakana, who suffered greatly from the death of her mother.

The characters are very cute (just fyi, my favourite character is Sawa...), and it is interesting, because all  characters are from different backgrounds, have different personalities (Hell, one is not even from Japan!), much like Kokoro Connect actually.

As the main characters strive to let people enjoy their music, lets give it up for Tari Tari!


Anime producers and their jokes...

Weird Hairstyle is Weird
Frankly I have to say, great job there Evergreen! I was really captivated by the art and the songs, and most of all the character development is awesome! I like to see how each character matures as the anime progeresses (Love that kind of development).

I love it that the theme clearly expressed is determination and perseverance. Sometimes some anime such as this can be very inspring from a lot of perpectives.

Still, I have to admit, the vice-principal is a serious;y annoying BITCH. Its probably the first time I've truly hated somebody in a school-type anime. However, with her presence, the real-life setting is really apparent I guess. I mean, it can't be good news all the time can it?


The OP for Tari Tari is Dreamer by AiRI, which has a nice tune, and the ED is "Sea Breeze's Harmony" by a lot of artists.

Tari Tari is a Summer 2012 Anime, which premiered on July 1, and will have 13 episodes in total. It is a P.A. Works animation and is currently being fansubbed by Commie, AnimeTL-Broken, Doki, Hatsuyuki, Sopranos, Underwater, and is available on Simulcast by Crunchyroll, although that is half a day late.

From DarrenW: I will see you guys in 2~3 weeks!
From MedusaS: Reviews coming up! Hinto: B3wbs.

Edited by FayeA

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