Friday, August 17, 2012


August 17, 2012
Posted by MedusaS

Okay so recently I was told to be the FIRST ONE to start off this new posting type, so I said, why not?

It was a hard decision, since I have A LOT of different music genres i could choose from, but I HAD TO DO IT, this popular one that's been almost EVERYWHERE I GO RECENTLY.

So Gangnam Style is a song which has been created by this South-Korean rapper called PSY, who has created many singles, but I strongly believe this is his masterpiece.

The name for the song? It depicts the Gangnam District in his country, the affluent and trendiest place to be in S.Korea.

Why is it so? Well for starters, the beat is awesome. (For dancing that is).
Secondly, for some UNKNOWN REASON, its HIGHLY ADDICTIVE. I can't even stop pressing the repeat button until the song has been replayed for 3 or 4 times. OMG.
Third, the chorus is well crafted and catchy.

I don't normally tend to listen to Korean Rap, but when I do, it becomes like THIS.

The music video, which depicts PSY and many many beautiful girls dancing with him, is very unforgettable due to the moves he makes. They are quite awesome and difficult, since he's on the plump side, and also, erm... 1:56 of the video. If you know what I mean.

Released on July 15 this year, it has over 34 MILLION VIEWS ON YOUTUBE (another million by the time I finish typing this), and has literally flooded radio networks around the world (mine included).

Go watch it! I'm sure you'd like it! Just try not to get hooked. Hahaha.

For now, I'll see you guys for the next review!

1 comment:

  1. Holy shit. It was 34 million views? Its freaing 427 million views now!!
