To those who do know this anime well, I supposed you guys are grinning.
But to those who don't know this anime, let me elaborate for you! "Sekirei!"
Part of the main cast.
The ordinary life begins in 2020 tokyo when we are introduced to Minato Sahashi! He had just gotten his exam results (of which he failed... AGAIN for the second time). Apparently his main reason for failing his exams was because of the fact he has exam pressure. (Wish I was like that). With no job, support from his family or a girlfriend, he sulks away at his tiny apartment about his miserable life.
Minato & No. 3
Of course, being our young protagonist, life is going to take a change for the better! A DRAMATIC CHANGE, for the rest of Tokyo as well! A girl LITERALLY FALLS OUT OF THE SKY AND LANDS ON MINATO'S FACE.
She was being chased.
Oh gosh, sometimes I don't understand introductions. Anyway, the girl with the large chest introduces herself as Musubi, a Sekirei. Now at this point, you are most probably asking:
Answer: Sekirei (Literally a type of bird) are 107 beings with humanoid appearances, but have supernatural powers. Labelled by numerics, no other Sekirei has the same abilities. Sekireis with single digits have more power, though 106 and 107 also have significant attacks. From a flashback in the anime, it is said that they are an alien race, of which its spaceship has crash-landed near Tokyo bay more than 30 years ago. They also wield special instruments, in which must be operated by their contracted human partner/owner, called an ASHIKABI. A Sekirei is considered 'winged' when the Ashikabi has signed the contract through kissing. Another fact: They are all cute girls or boys.
So Minato ends up with Musubi, and has to sneak her into his tiny apartment. Unfortunately, he gets caught and THROWN OUT by his landlord. After wandering the streets, they eventually wind up at Izumo House, of which the landlady was nice to let them in. They soon discovered:
Then the whole development begins when the head of a large corporation in Tokyo, MBI (which discovered the Sekireis long ago), decides to start playing a game. The game is split into four phrases.
First: For each Ashikabi to catch the remaining Sekirei. Second: Close Tokyo City and wing the final 10% of Sekireis.
Will Minato be able to obtain MORE SEKIREIS?
Yeah, so that's about it basically. I didn't reveal much did I?
Sekirei had a decent plot to discuss, of which was presented in a way which was acceptable. Didn't have much problems understanding the plot. The theme, which i believe to be teamwork, hope and trust, is evident in the show, with the many action scenes and run ins in Izumo.
The Black Sekirei
Personal impression went down the drain though, as I was not at all impresses by big chested girls and if I was not wrong, there was a damn hell lot of ECCHI (Watched in more than 2 years ago) Some random scenes as well which acted like fanservice. Don't ask me how and why I watched this show.
However, must commend Sekirei, for it was able to turn a totally surface ECCHI anime into one that comprised of lots of action and a decent plot for me to enjoy watching. Managed to keep suspense going and had quite an awesome climax scene near the end. Good job! *Clap*
Kuu-chan. A Sekirei
If you are a pervert looking for an anime to get a nosebleed, this is for you. However, if you are in it for a good laugh or looking for enjoyable time, this is also the anime for you.
Sekirei premiered in Summer 2008 and had 12 episodes, and was fansubbed by Kira, Hiryuu. Not a lot of fansubs actually. It also comes in manga, (which I find more enjoyable) and it also has a SEASON 2!! Which I may decide to review when the time comes.
Oh yay, that echii action series was cool.
ReplyDeleteTotally! Too bad for the b3wbs, otherwise it could have gotten such a good rating.