Friday, February 3, 2012

Initial Impressions: Kyousogiga

February 3, 2012
Posted by IAmBored

Hi guys! (and gals) :D

This is IAmBored! Well, recently things has been kind of crazy for me :D Sooo, that is the reason I have not posted in like 1 month (gosh!)

So! I'm reviewing on a new anime (ONA actually. For more info on ONAs, refer to this website )
This is one of the most crazy and random animes I have ever watched. But it is very interesting and funny. :D


Let's go!

So the anime starts with the poem "A Boat Beneath a Sunny Sky by Lewis Carroll" I guess the reason why this poem is chosen is because the anime is based on Alice in Wonderland, (sort of) and the author wrote this poem in honor of the girl who gave him such inspiration.

The anime starts off in the middle of the story. The female protagonist Koto and her younger twin brothers A and Un are stuck in mysterious city. Apparently, they have to find a black rabbit to go back home. (The anime didn't say when or how they got themselves into this city) They cause mayhem and destroy buildings under the pretext of finding the rabbit. Surprisingly, none of the citizens were really scared or affected by them. (Apart from a less than satisfied technician girl named Yase)

So, Koto, with her huge hammer, and her brothers, run around the city wrecking things. (the anime also didn't say how they get their powers) And basically that is the main gist of the anime.

Apparently, watching this anime is like watching a never-seen-before show at the last episode. It is entirely random and a lot of things are unexplained. There tend to be a few skips in the scenes and makes the whole show a little weird, like you aren't watching the same episode. So I suggest you all watch the anime a few times to fully understand what is going on.

The whole anime has magic, explosions and unexplainable things that are going on. Plus there are all sorts of creatures in all colors and shapes. So I guess it does seem like a modern day wonderland.

I guess most people would be like "huh?" at the end of the anime because it is all over the place and crazy, and add the flashy and jumping scenes, it is really very confusing. There isn't really much character development because this is only a 20 minute episode that tells the entire story.

So I strongly suggest that everybody watch this anime with an open heart and just laugh at the crazy things inside the anime. I think if the producers wanted a better reception of the anime, they would have planned the storyline better. But overall, if you watch it just for humor and the visual of the anime, I would say it would be nice. I mean, it's only 20+ minutes, so just waste your time and enjoy this short anime. It would be a nice change from whatever genre that everybody is watching.

Thus far, there is only one released episode of this anime. It is premiered on December 6th, 2011 and is available on youtube since December 10th, 2011. (Can't give you the link: "SOPA") I don't understand why there is only one episode, it makes it seem so rushed and disjointed. But if there are more episodes I wouldn't mind watching them. :D

Well, since there is no news about following episodes, I guess I should rate this anime, but I shall put this under initial anime reviews just in case :D

See ya!!!

Edited by FayeA


  1. Cool post and the episode was quite interesting.

  2. Really!? Thanks. Yeah, the anime is really nice:D
