Monday, February 27, 2012

Short Anime Film: Kakurenbo

February 27, 2012
Posted by IAmBored

Hihi! IAmBored here! :D Sorry, I forgot to put a hint for this review:P

I'm back with another anime movie. (short 20+ minute type) This time its a movie with a slightly creepy mood and has deep insight to Tokyo. (where the story is based)

So anyways, let us start! "Kakurenbo" (Hide-and-Seek)

Ok. So the story starts in an abandoned old town. Someone has invented a game in this remote place. A game of Otokoyo. The rules are simple, there will be a time when the lights of the abandoned town gets brighter. The town will then become a maze. All you have to do is to follow the lights of "O", "to", "ko" and "yo" and you will arrive at the Otokoyo Square. When 7 children arrive, the game will start. All the children must wear a fox mask throughout the game. But it is said that the children who play this game mysteriously disappear. There is also a rumour going around that demons appear in the abandoned town and take the children. This game is hence, very dangerous!

Now, the protagonist, Hikora, comes in with his best friend,Yaimao. Hikora's sister, Sorincha, played the game before and never returned. Thus, to find his sister, Hikora decided to play the game to see if there are clues leading to where his sister had disappeared to. Yaimao also decided to play the game to help Hikora find Sorincha and the other missing children.

Tachiji, Noshiga and Suku.
At the Otokoyo Square, there are 8 children. Among them, there is a small gang of 3 people. The fattest one, Noshiga, is the leader and he wants to play the game to prove that he is not afraid of demons. His two sidekicks, Tachiji and Suku, follow him. There are also 2 mysterious twin boys, Inmu and Yanku, that joined the game, though their intentions are unknown and they did not speak a single word throughout the movie. Then there is this girl who looks like Sorincha, yet another mysterious character.

There are also 5 monsters/demons in the story that began chasing the children when the game started. I don't want spoilers so I won't say much, and since it's only a 25 minute film, watch it if you guys have nothing to watch. (Or if you were waiting for new episodes to come out, like me) I highly recommend this film on a rainy day.

I really love this film because its very well done. The suspense of the entire story and the amount of mysteriousness is awesome. Plus, the fact that the movie isn't scary at all (in my opinion) is also a bonus! The development of the story is great and I can totally understand it by watching it once. Though the last scene was a little confusing, but in the end I got the gist of it.

I remember watching this the first time with my class. I guess it was because of the noise and everything (it was during post-exam period) that I found it enjoyable. Then I watched it twice more. (the other two times were for fun).

The film premiered on March 2005. One weird thing is that I find the trailer scarier than the actual movie itself. Maybe it's just me...

So the scores:

See ya!!!!

Hint for next review: Cute, round cat themed anime :D (NEW ANIME)

Edited by FayeA

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Initial Impressions: Papa no Iukoto o Kikinasai!

This review has been updated. To check out the final impressions, click here.

February 25, 2011
Posted by MedusaS

Oh wow, this review is SO late.

Well, better late than never,
(By the way the hint I gave was not for this review)

It's time for lolicon fever! (Ahem... DarrenW Ahem...) "Papa no Iukoto o Kikinasai!"

Well well, what do we have here, an unusual family-orientated anime from the producers of feel. Yes, very odd, because that company is very known for... ahem. 'Decent' animes. (Yosuga no Sora, KissxSis Mayo Chiki...)

But forget I said all that, let's carry on!

University life (Lol I'm also in university, hope this doesn't happen to me.) for Yuuta Segawa starts off with a romantic start as he enrolls in the School of Literature at Tama University. She gets attracted to his senior Oda Raika, of whom she and Yuuta's best friend Kouichi Nimura are members of the street observation research society. (Wtf? Who ever though of such an external activity?)

Oda Raika
Anyway, life proceeds as per normal for Yuuta, until the day when his newly-wed sister, Yuri Takanashi, decides to leave Japan to celebrate her honeymoon with her new husband, Shingo Takanashi. She then leaves her three girls in the care of Yuuta while they are away. Weirdly, all three girls have come from different families before.

And who are these three girls?

Well, firstly, we have Sora Takansahi, who is the eldest of the three at 14, and is TSUNDERE. Yes, though she is tsundere, but she has a crush on Yuuta, (though he is her uncle) and often gets mixed up in super random sudden lucky (SRSLY?) ecchi scenes. (WOAH at the end of episode 1) Her mother passed away when she was very small.

Secondly, we have Miu Takanashi, of whom is 10 years of age, but acts extremely mature (at most times). She has a spontaneous personality and has blonder hair inherited from her russian mother, of whom divorced Shingo.

Thirdly, we have the youngest and cutest Hina Takanashi! The daughter of Yuri, she is only 3 years old, and acts all innocent! She is very friendly to anyone she meets, and most of the time, mispronounces words.

They spend one day with Takanashi at their house, and have a very enjoyable time together. Smelled something fishy by now? Why spend a short time with these children if the whole anime is about these 4?

Well, the plot starts developing when Yuri and Shingo's flight, uneventfully, crashes, and the two are nowhere to be found (MISSING, maybe not DEAD). A funeral is held of which the three girl's families all want to take back the children, separating them. Yuuta, who has lived through that phase in his own lives before, was outraged, and decided to take these
3 girls under his OWN CARE. Like a BOSS.

Running away with the 3 girls, he escapes to his university apartment, and finds that he now faces the reality of being a father.

When I saw episode 2, I can't help remembering Usagi Drop, also of the same sort of plotline. However, in this case, this anime features 3 girls, and instead of a salary man taking care of them, a university undergrad is.

Technically that's not right.
Plot-wise, it seems simple and understandable, no serious developments, however, it depicts a good story of young parenting.

The theme is well attributed to the idea of taking care of children and understanding their different problems at the various age groups, middle school, elementary, and kindergarden.

Atmosphere-wise, it is unfortunately ECCHI. Unlike Usagi Drop, it has a ton of ecchi scenes which I can;t describe. Furthermore, I agree with DarrenW, ECCHI standard has gone UP A LOT.

Personally, I recommend this anime because these types can be very touching and meaningful. Can't wait to see what happens next!

Papa no Iukoto o Kikinasai! premiered LONG AGO on January 11, 2012 and will have 26 EPISODES with a special. Right now its at episode 6. Its being fansubbed by rori, Doki, Pettanko, Shin-SHatsuyuki, Oyatsu, and is available on Simulcast on Crunchyroll.

Happy lolicon-ing!
Hint: Yes, the Jinki anime is next.
Edited by FayeA

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Anime & Manga Review: Slam Dunk

February 22, 2012
Posted by DaBrenz

Hey everyone! It’s DaBrenz back here with a review! Sorry I’ve been MIA the past few weeks. Life’s been a real rush and I really appreciate having a chance to start anew! ;) Haven’t you ever felt like you needed to start afresh, to be a whole new you, a better you?? Well, that’s what happens to Hanamichi Sakuragi when basketball is introduced into his life!

That’s right! Introducing, "Slam Dunk!!"

Author: Inoue Takehiko
Artist: Inoue Takehiko

Intimidatingly tall, good-for-nothing delinquent Sakuragi is introduced to basketball in Shohoku High School after having getting rejected for the 50th time. Undecided about what he should do at first, he finally decides to excel in basketball so as to catch the attention of the apple of his eye, Haruko Akagi, as she is a great fan of basketball.

However, he finds himself overshadowed by star player and small forward Kaede Rukawa (who is, ironically, the person of Haruko’s affections)!! Suave, tall, cool Rukawa seems to be better at everything (girls, skills, talent) which drives Sakuragi crazy!!

Aided by the team’s captain and center, (and also Haruka’s older brother) Takenori Akagi, Sakuragi can finally unleash the true potential pertaining to basketball lying within him.

Now, as a basketballer myself, let me introduce to you the five basic positions in basketball:

Point Guard: Basically the “controller” of the game, usually the shortest person or the person who can handle and pass the ball best.

Shooting Guard: He/She is the one who will try to crank up the team’s score by shooting, usually one of the faster players.

Small Forward: This role is usually for the most versatile of players, able to play part of all the other roles. This person is the “Wild Card” in Uno, he or she fills in and makes up for the others when needed.

Power Forward: This role is rather similar to that of a Center’s.

Center: This role is usually reserved for the tallest and strongest of players, who have to score and defend the area nearest to the basket.

As other characters with equally interesting backstories are introduced one by one, life at Shohoku High School’s basketball team gets interesting, the chance for a ranking in the nationals increase with the team hyped up!

Each character in the story plays a pivotal role in the game that is Basketball, and Inoue Takehiko has especially included the rules of the game as the series progresses, making Slam Dunk understandable to everyone of all ages, regardless of experience and exposure to basketball!

Slam Dunk received special commendations from the Japan Basketball Association for helping to make basketball in Japan much more popular than it was then, in 1990.

With 278 chapters, Slam Dunk is complete and can be found on many manga platforms like MangaFox and MangaReader. Slam Dunk also has an anime (though I have yet to watch it)!!! The art may not be as fantastic as compared to the art you see in manga nowadays. However, considering the fact that it was published over a decade ago, (and it still remains well known today!) it rather proves to be quality in terms of content!

Slam Dunk is a story about friendship, passion, sportsmanship and love in multiple forms. It is about trust, building new beginnings, learning, sharing and the joys of basketball.

Give Slam Dunk a try today, who knows, maybe you’ll find yourself chatting up with that cute basketball hunk you’ve always wanted to talk to, or, maybe you yourself will be the one on court shooting hoops. 

Knock yourselves out!
Edited by FayeA
Next review: Ningen? Youkai? Hanyou????

Friday, February 17, 2012

Initial Impressions: Black★Rock Shooter

This anime has been updated. For "Final Impressions: B★RS", click here.

February 17, 2012
Posted by DarrenW

Dear anime fans,

Yes, it's THE anime of the season (Well, aside from Guilty Crown), Black★Rock Shooter!!

So it starts off with Black Rock Shooter, alone in an isolated world of dreams and fantasy (the way i see it), wielding her star cannon which can shoot rocks out at incredible speed. She is shown having two long pigtails, a left eye that burns with a blur flame, and constantly wears the LEAST amount of clothes I've ever seen.

There are two universes in this anime. The fantasy and human universe.

Black Rock Shooter
Mato Kuroi, your average middle schooler, is the protagonist for this story, of which her other side is the Black Rock Shooter. She joins the basketball team and on the first few days of school, she meets Yomi Takanashi, a timid girl in the same class, who does not want to make
friends with Yomi, for some unknown

Other World
Well it's later found out that it's because of Yomi's possesive 'friend' Kagari Izuriha, that causes Yomi to keep away from making friends. Ugh creepy wheelchair bound girl.

However, both Yomi and Kagari are also portrayed as
"battle warriors" like Black Rock Shooter
in the other world.

In total there are five of such "warriors", in which all wield different weapons and are differentiated by different colours.

If you would like to draw comparisons, I find it oddly similar to Yumekui Merry, what with the dream world and human world, and the fact Merry in Yumekui Merry isn't wearing much EITHER.

Kagari Izuriha. Creeping me out.
Not wanting to spoil things for you guys, I strongly suggest you go watch this anime. Definitely not a let down. Even SparkNorkx and Tr3xus are watching it.

Plot wise, no significant plot yet for the first 2 episodes. However, seems very likely that an awesome plot will be developing soon.

Mato Kuroi
Different atmospheres were maintained within both worlds. A cheerful realistic tone for the human world and a cold, dark and eerie atmosphere set for the other world, awesome stuff.

Yomi Takanashi. Also "Dead Master"
Another note is that the 3D CGIs are very well made, and the OP is SICK. The OP, "ブラック★ロックシューター", is composed by ryo (supercell), the SAME COMPOSER for Guilty Crown's "My Dearest" and "The Everlasting Guilty Crown" Omg, I'm in heaven.

However, I'm not really digging the parts where Black Rock Shooter gets shot or injured. Although there's no blood, it still looks painful.

Black★Rock Shooter premiered on February 3, 2012 and only has 8 episodes, sadly. It is fansubbed by AFFTW-Hatsuyuki, Asenshi, AsukaSubs-SubDESU, CSS, Commie, Nishishi-subs, WhyNot, and GX_ST. Wow.

Lastly, voice actors. Mato / BRS is voiced by no other than Kana Hanazawa, who is the very same voice actor for:

Kanade Tachibana "Tenshi"
Angel Beats!
Charlotte Dunoa
IS - Infinite Stratos


Sakamachi Kureha
Mayo Chiki!
Mayuri Shina


Kobato Hasegawa
Boku wa Tomodachi
ga Sukunai!
Erii Haruue
To Aru Kagaku no Railgun


Amano Touko
Bungaku Shoujo
Mayu Miyano
B Gata H Kei


Ore no Imouto ga Konna
ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai
Mato Kuroi
Black★Rock Shooter


Ayase Shinomiya
Guilty Crown
Sakura Hanazono
Kaichou wa Maid Sama!


Shiori Shiyomiya
The World God
Only Knows

She's one godly voice actor.

Make sure you watch BRS!
Hint for next review: "There is only one truth!" Who said that?

Edited by FayeA & Tr3xus

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Another Additional Review: Another Update

This review has been updated. For Final Impressions "Another", click here.

February 14, 2012
Posted by MedusaS



Sorry but this isn't the "Jinki" anime. Just wanted to update you guys about the anime, "Another"

Well, sadly DarrenW has dropped "Another" after watching the first 3 episodes, and after watching the first 4 episodes, I myself can see why.

Death #1

And if you're wondering why I'm watching it, its because I've been tasked to follow the anime through to the end, and I have a larger stomach to handle this kind of stuff than him. :P

Just some updates on the anime here:

DarrenW pointed out (before ep 3) that "it seems like people are going to die in this anime, its just a matter of time". Well its TRUE. Please expect a DEATH every 1 or 2 episodes.

Not trying to love this anime but the way they die is very coincidental and realistic, made me really believe that curses are real.

Okay, now you know that is DEFINITELY going to happen

Personally I feel the main character Koichi is a total ass because he helped those people die, indirectly.

1. Swapped my long umbrella with a retractable one because I got a nightmare. XD
2. Avoided walking near glass panes because I was freaked out.
3. Didn't use the lift today XD

Just a hunch, almost 90% of the people (excl Koichi) in the OP are going to DIE.

Death #2

Oh and he salso said he liked Misaki because he found her cute. REALLY now? So he likes dead ghosts.
And lastly he hoped there was less horror than CCube. TOO BAD HAHAHA.

PS: Looking intently at the hit counter -> Cmon, 20, 000 !!!!

Looking for some saving here! Happy Ending?
Edited by FayeA