Long Awaited Anime Review: The Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya
January 17, 2011 Posted by MedusaS
Hi everyone!
Yes, it HAS BEEN 2 MONTHS SINCE I WROTE A REVIEW. I humbly ask for your forgiveness!!
Well a lot of things have been happening in my life for the past 2 months so much so that I really had hardly any time to lay back in my room and do an honest review.
But don't worry guys! I've already discussed with DarrenW and I will posting 5 reviews to get back with the rest!
So for today, let us continue our adventure with "The Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya Season 2!"
Yes. Our story continues from season 1, and to begin off, its the summer holidays! An exhausted Kyon retires home to do his holiday homework, but gets a phone call from Haruhi Suzumiya. She wants the SOS Brigade to get together... to finish her list of summer activities
Kyon's always facepalming.
And so, the group of 5 spend their summer vacation sprawling through loads and loads of summer activities, be it swimming pools, bug catching, summer festivals or part-time jobs. I was actually very taken aback at how NORMAL this episode was, and that everything seemed fine because they were just having a good time. And so, with the checklist finally completed, Kyon realises he can FINALLY focus on his holiday homework. Only one problem:
It's due tomorrow and its already night. Gah, he'll just face the rant of his teacher tomorrow when school reopens.
So he gives up and goes to bed. As this is a haruhi anime we're talking about, don't be fooled by appearances!
At episode 2, which is titled "Endless Eight" again. (Got a suspicion already), Kyon wakes up to the START OF THE SUMMER HOLIDAYS, which is odd because it was supposed to have ended yesterday. Then, he gets a call from Haruhi AGAIN, and realises she wants to spend the summer vacation doing summer activities together. However, unfortunately for Kyon, he doesn't realise it at all until he gets the deja vu feeling. He then does all the same shit again and forgets to do his holiday homework, and once again, sleeps it off.
At episode 3, which is titled "Endless Eight" AGAIN. Kyon wakes up to the START OF THE SUMMER HOLIDAYS, which is odd because it was supposed to have ended yesterday. Then, he gets a call from Haruhi AGAIN, and realises she wants to spend the summer vacation doing summer activities together. However, unfortunately for Kyon, he doesn't realise it at all until he gets the deja vu feeling. He then does all the same shit again and forgets to do his holiday homework, and once again, sleeps it off.
At Episode 4, 5, 6, 7 AND 8 its THE SAME THING. IN WHAT OF ALL THATS SENSIBLE does it take EIGHT EPISODES to reach a point. Okay, its novel, but honestly,
to ANY OF YOU GUYS WATCHING THIS SHOW NOW, watch the 1st and 2nd episode, then skip ALL THE WAY to the end of episode 8.
Yes, then at episode 9 ~ 14, its all normal again. The story now progresses towards the making of the SOS Club video! Which is that same video in episode 1!
I don't like to complain about this anime, for the very reason that it is IMMENSELY POPULAR (Even more popular than Naruto). Compared to other animes, I suppose you can relate more to the characters in this one. This anime is also funny and there are a lot of random unexpected scenes.
Plot-wise, unsurprisingly, did quite badly because all the first 8 episodes have the same plot. For theme, I think they have achieved what they wanted to do, for whatever reason.
Personally, its a good wrap if you wanted to know how that first episode video was filmed in episode 1. Personally Haruhi is a good anime if you simple want to relax. Don't bother about any plot lines though.
Yuki doing Miharu XD
The Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya Season 2 premiered on the 3rd of April, 2009 with the original Season 1 before it, and consists of 28 episodes in total.. Heaven knows who subbed it. As usual, they rearranged the episodes so I have no idea how the story actually progresses. There is also a movie "The Disappearance Of Haruhi Suzumiya which premiered not long ago."
Next Review: Amano Strawberrys?? MedusaS signing off.
Edited by FayeA :)
Nice review. Guess I'll check it out soon.
ReplyDeleteOh My GAWD you can't be serious!!! Really?