Posted by DaBrenz
Hey guys! I haven’t seen you all since last year!! (Geddit? Hahaha.) Well, a new year brings us one step closer to our never-ending destination known as the future! So let me introduce to you to a possible path in our future, via the manga "Freezing"!

Artist: Kim Kwang Hyun
Be warned, the manga, released in 2007, is coated with blood and revolves around mature themes unsuited for the faint-hearted/young, but if you think you are up for it and want to venture into the Sci-Fi genre, Freezing is a good way to make a start.
This manga is really one of a kind, because while the protagonist of the story is our dashing young Kazuya Aoi, all the butt-kicking action is dished out by the gorgeous, busty women known as Pandoras. Females play the unusual role of the main fighter, while males take a step back (for once) and play a supporting (but nonetheless important) role in the long and tiring fight against the enemy Nova.

Of course, when surrounded by gorgeous girls, a love triangle is inevitable. Lana Linchen, our sweet ditzy countryside girl enters the fray with her powerful abilities and plays that key role in allowing feelings to be realized.

I REPEAT. Be warned that Freezing is a mature manga with many of the darker themes within it. It is NOT for the faint-hearted or underaged. :D
Nonetheless, it is a good and different read and can be found on MangaFox and MangaReader, where majority of the chapters are scanlated by The Halibut&Vexed Scans and Ala-Atra Scans respectively.

Next review: Looking for a quick read with bits and pieces of ECCHI? Stay tuned!
DaBrenz, signing off.
The anime is such a downer though... It does not exactly follow the manga all the way.
ReplyDeleteBut yeah, the manga is good.