Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Apologies From A Certain Someone...

December 21, 2011
Posted by DarrenW

Me in the hotel room when I have no internet...
Yes, I'm very sorry for posting late reviews during this holiday period but I can't help it.

Firstly, in november, I went to Malaysia for one week for an overseas camp, with no WIFI or 3G. The following week, I went on the same trip with IAmBored, again with no WIFI or 3G.

And the week after that, which was already in December, I left for Dubai, UAE, but the activities there sorta killed me, so I didn't have much time to write a review.

Went to China, of which I just realised this website (and all blogger services) is banned there.

And now I'm in "Sun Moon Lake" in Taiwan, of which I'm down on a desk typing with FREE WIFI in, but still no 3G... And when I'm in Japan NEXT WEEK, please expect another review.

For the regular visitors to our website, it may come a bit of a shock to you that I travel to so many places in one month. For those who have visited our website since last year, (which I doubt) will know that I travel to a lot of places.

There will also be a new addition to our website within the next month.

In the meantime, enough with my life. I would like to thank you all for visiting our website. The staff here are all very happy that you are.

Next review expected within the next 24 hours :D


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