Friday, December 9, 2011

Anime & Manga Review: Kimi ni Todoke

December 9, 2011
Posted by DaBrenz

Hey guys! DaBrenz back with another review :D
Sorry for the long hiatus, but school’s been a real drag lately AND I was down with a virus for 5 days after I came back from Cambodia for a service learning trip!

Anyhow, what better way to drown your sorrows (or in my case, pain) in a lovely, fluffy HIGH-SCHOOL ROMANCE? Introducing……… "Kimi Ni Todoke!"

Author/Artist: Shiina Karuho
Ever wondered how it would be like to see Sadako from The Ring in real life? Well, look no further. Sawako Kuronuma, with her long black hair and porcelain skin fits that description to a tee. In fact, she looks and has a name so similar that everyone around her has started calling her Sadako, believing that she can actually cast curses and talk to spirits. This leaves poor Sawako, who is just extremely shy isolated and lonely.

Main Characters
Of course, this doesn’t deter the school’s ray of sunshine, Number One Popular Boy: Shota Kazehaya, from disregarding all rumours and talking to her by in chance meeting near by a window above a gardening patch.

Like the way the sun chases away the dark clouds, Kazehaya indirectly helps to bring about Sawako’s first friends! Delinquent-looking, naïve 

Chizuru Yoshida. Cool and mature 
Ayane Yano. Silent, and observant Ryu Sanada!

Sawako’s life can only get better as she makes more friends and for the first time in her life, feels welcomed.

Enter beautiful, doll-like, Ume “Kurumi” Kurumizawa, who is everything Sawako aspires to be (as a woman). She stirs up emotions and feelings of all those around her, including unsuspecting Sawako. Sawako experiences something she has never experienced before (in her heart)  feelings changing from respect and admiration to that doki-doki feeling we all know and love about Shoujo manga.

A fair warning though- this manga is really much slower paced as compared to usual manga, but if you love awkward, sweet moments as much as I do, you’ll love this manga nonetheless. With great character development and great art, Kimi ni Todoke is really worth both a read and watch.

You got that right: Kimi ni Todoke has BOTH an anime and a manga series!! Fear not, the anime is a rather accurate reflection of the manga, and the art in both cases is SUPERB. (Sort of Chinese-y if you ask me, with loads of watercolour.)

Kimi ni Todoke can be found on many manga platforms like Mangafox and MangaReader, scanlated by Manga Scans and Uryuu. It first premiered in 2005 and is ongoing till now.

The anime, on the other hand, already has 2 seasons.
Season One: Premiered in 2009 and is complete with 25 episodes
Season Two: Premiered this year, and is complete with 12 episodes

So, what are you waiting for? Refresh your beliefs in sweet love and take a break from ecchi ;)

Next review: Hungry? Well, learn some simple and doable recipes as you indulge in manga! Yum~

DaBrenz, signing off!


  1. Kimi ni Todoke is really a gem. It really goes beyond the cliches of most shoujo manga.

    I think the character development is what makes it extremely popular right now. I wrote about KnT's popularity at:

    If you ask me, I think this series can be inspirational to some people.

  2. :) I agree!

    Your post was really well written!! I'll continue reading your site and I hope that one day my reviews can be on par with yours! :D

    If you don't mind, I'll be introducing another of my favourite shoujo manga/anime in the next couple posts, I hope you enjoy what I recommend next (if you haven't already seen it). :D
