Thursday, June 23, 2011

End Of Year Trip Part 7: Liverpool

Hey all!

As mentioned, here is a travel segment: Liverpool, England!

It was the halfway point between my family's car drive from Edinburgh in Scotland, to London. However i was to take the train later from Liverpool to Scotland.

And YES, one of Liverpool's most famous symbols, the Liverpool Football Club! For all those who don't know, they are part of the "British Premier League" teams, alongside Chelsea, Fulham, Blackburn, etc...

Now I'm not a soccer fan. All I wanted to see was what it would be like to be at a BPL stadium. And I'm well aware of the rival-ship between teams, so Manchester United supporters! Take it easy on me! XD.

Basically, since i only stayed at Liverpool for half a day, i got to go to Anfield Stadium, Liverpool's home-base. It was quit cold at the time, (after the extreme cold weather during that week 0'C)

It was quite enriching as there was a museum in the stadium as well. I got to see the many managers of the team as well as all the trophy's and successes over the many years. The tour guide was full of humour and kept everyone in the tour entertained. Unfortunately most of the humour had to do with... MU.

They also have so many merchandises i could think off. But i was travelling light so i got a Liverpool FC coin token.

So i would say, definitely a good experience for those football lovers, but I'm sorry to those MU fans. Don't rage ok?

Oh yah, and now you know my final destination for the year.

On The Agenda
1.Anfield Stadium

And the link thing is here! --->


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