Wednesday, December 22, 2010

End Of Year Trip 2010 Part 4: Niseko

Good Day!
Just to inform you that i was already back home on the 19th. I couldn't upload photos because i had urgent things to attend to. XD. Anyway, i will be posting updates since Taipei now.

When I got to Hokkaido, it recently snowed! So there was heaps of snow! Does that mean i could ski or go drive the snowmobile? No. Because the very next day at the ski resort, ALL the snow MELTED. Sigh... Depressing as it is, besides snow and ice based activities, there was nothing to do in the countryside. So it was quite boring. I wouldn't blame anyone if they found this section boring. Its all scenery.

Oh yeah. It rained on the 2nd day too, and also the fact it was 0 Degrees Celsius.

On The Agenda
1. Scenery around Niseko Village

Now where did the link go... Pretty sure it was here somewhere...

PS: I  will be uploading Tokyo Section tomorrow. Make sure you visit!


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