Thursday, December 23, 2010

End Of Year Trip 2010 Part 5: Tokyo

Hi. Sigh, run out of greetings to use...

Tokyo was a lot of fun! Although i didn't take much photos at all. I think i bought the most things there! 2 Anime figurines,8 Japanese Pop Albums, and posters! Took a strain on my wallet, but it was worth it!

Some of the photos i took was the food there. Got to love Japanese food! However, i also went to Kyoto, and visited a Japanese sort of traditional theater. I also went to the temple there. The Japanese religion is quite interesting. And in the end i also went window shopping along the many shops there. It was a whole day trip!

Anyway, next up will be the pictures of Scotland and England. Oooh can't wait!

Oh yes! i forgot to mention, i cosplayed (is that a word?) when i was Akihabara. As this guy:

Keima Katsuragi
'Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai'
otherwise known as
'The World God Only Knows'
For reasons unknown, i chose not to upload the photos XD.

Well, its UK next!


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

End Of Year Trip 2010 Part 4: Niseko

Good Day!
Just to inform you that i was already back home on the 19th. I couldn't upload photos because i had urgent things to attend to. XD. Anyway, i will be posting updates since Taipei now.

When I got to Hokkaido, it recently snowed! So there was heaps of snow! Does that mean i could ski or go drive the snowmobile? No. Because the very next day at the ski resort, ALL the snow MELTED. Sigh... Depressing as it is, besides snow and ice based activities, there was nothing to do in the countryside. So it was quite boring. I wouldn't blame anyone if they found this section boring. Its all scenery.

Oh yeah. It rained on the 2nd day too, and also the fact it was 0 Degrees Celsius.

On The Agenda
1. Scenery around Niseko Village

Now where did the link go... Pretty sure it was here somewhere...

PS: I  will be uploading Tokyo Section tomorrow. Make sure you visit!


Friday, December 10, 2010

End Of Year Trip 2010 Part 3: Taipei

Hi Everyone!
It's been 22 days since the trip began, and only 4 days left. Still quite far to go.
However, i won't divulge into that. It's time for the Taipei Update!
I apologize because I didnt upload it that night like i said i would, because my internet usage ran out. For the next  few days i was out.

Anyway, Taipei is like any other city, and the pictures today are mostly 90% about the Taipei Flora Exposition, which is a must go! Enjoy viewing!

On The Agenda
1. Taipei Flora Exposition

PS: I am in Edinburgh, Scotland, and the locals say it's the coldest winter they had in 60 YEARS. I hope there's snow.

Oh yah, if you haven't noticed, my smile is literally gone. There is a very good reason for that. The braces i have been wearing cover every aspect of my teeth, and i can't stretch my cheek muscles very well. So I'm SORRY if I'm ruining the picture! XD

Part 4: Niseko, Hokkaido coming out next!


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

End Of Year Trip 2010 Update

Once again, i am going to Taipei.
Unfortunately, i contracted food poisoning on the first night! -_- Some dumb luck... Even so, i still managed to go to where i wanted to go (although the trip was shortened), the Taipei 2010 Flower Expo!
Technically that's all there is to it. I will be uploading it tonight!

PS: Bought a Misaka Mikoto figure from To Aru Kagaku no Railgun, and Mio Akiyama figure from K-On! so happy...

Thursday, December 2, 2010

End Of Year Trip 2010 Part 2: Kenting

Hi Everyone!
It's been 14 days since the trip began, only 12 days left!
I have finished working on the Kenting section! The countryside of Kenting is quite the enjoyment, with the hot tropical climate and gusts of wind at your face! The food is also delicious!

On The Agenda
1. The National Marine Aquarium Museum [Must SEE!]
2. Kenting Downtown Bazaar
3. Kenting National Park
4. Fongchuisha Tourist Spot

Oh Don't forget the LINK >>>

Oh and I bought two designer watches from the Bazaar because they were soooo COOL! But the very next morning i used it, the freaking lid came off....T_T. Well lucky i only wasted 20 dollars... (NT400)

PS: I am in Japan! WOOOOOO tomorrow i am heading off to Akihabara. Here i come! (might be thinking of cosplaying... guess who? XD )


Saturday, November 27, 2010

End Of Year Trip 2010 Part 1: Beijing

Hi all!
Its been 6 days since the start of my trip... 20 days to go!
Technically this trip is affecting the progress of my novel, but it's OK! It's progressing well. Going for this trip is giving me some new inspiration!
Beijing, the capital of China, is a city of great culture. Having gone on tours for 3 days, there are really lots and lots of customs, traditions, history and art!
The photos (including the 3 cover pictures below) are all on a facebook album, and you can access it by clicking the link below! (Please Click It, OR ELSE... joking, joking!) Commentary and tags are included!

On The Agenda:
1. Jade Factory
2. Emperor Tombs
3. Great Wall Of China
4. Forbidden City
5. Summer Palace
6. Temple Of Heaven

PS: I am currently in Kenting, Taiwan now. As the commentary is not added yet, it will take a while, as i might not be on my computer now and then. I promise i will do it as soon as i can!


Thursday, November 18, 2010

End Of Year Trip 2010

Again, its that time of the year for my year end trip! This year, i will be documenting the places i go with loads of photos & videos! Starting from the 22nd of November, from Singapore, i will be heading to
1. Beijing
2. Taiwan
3. Japan
4. Scotland
5. London
I'm sure this year will be even more exciting than last year's trip!
Well, that's it for now!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Zogonyan Chronicles Volume 1 Preview

Finally, after 6 years of planning, I am ready to start work on my Novel Project. Due to studying, i have had no time to do it. On the 15th of November, it finally begins.
The Zogonyan Chronicles will be a 5 volume fantasy-adventure genre novel, and the 1st Volume is "The Journey Of Tales"

*In conjunction to this, i will also be starting S.H.II, the band which have been set-up within my friends. Oh post-secondary life will be certainly become interesting!

Well, thats all for now!

Friday, May 14, 2010

S.H.II. Posters

A few more sets of posters coming your way from S.H.II.! Rocking your world!

S.H.II. Confirmed

Starting on the 15th of November 2010, S.H.II. will rock your world!