Sunday, July 8, 2012

Past Anime Review: Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai

Posted by DarrenW
July 8, 2012

Dear readers,

As you all might be wondering, where are my Spring 2012 animes? Well let me tell you, they are definitely on their way.

Today though, let us review a very special and popular anime, "Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai"! [Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day]

Super Peace Busters
Have you always had a group that you'd belong to? Childhood connections that got very close? Well that's where this anime is based upon. 6 very close friends who called themselves the "Peace Busters". They hangout, play games together, and enjoy happiness together on a whole different level.

All is fine and dandy, but what happens if one of them passed away suddenly? I bet things wouldn't be the same anymore. 

And that's where our story starts, actually, 10 years after the tragic event of the passing out our main heroine, Meiko Honma, also known as "Menma". She appears in front of our protagonist, Jinta Yadomi "Jintan" on a summer's day, exactly 10 years later... AS A GHOST.

Annoying Ghost

Meiko "Menma" Honma
Menma is, or was, your typical airhead. Talkative and energetic, she was able to bring out the energy in the group and was loved by the others. On the fateful day she left the world, Jinta was asked by Naruko Anjou, whether he liked Menma, and Menma was proposed by another member of the group, Atsumu Matsuyuki, also known as "Yukiatsu".

Jinta "Jintan" Yadomi
Jintan is your stereotypical hikikomori (Doesn't work or go into the outside world, mostly staying indoors), who lives in a shell, distraught by the death of Menma 10 years ago. Further fueled by the death of his mother, his life has deteriorated to a stage it is in now. Previously the leader of "Peace Busters" 10 years ago, his life basically sucks now.

And here I will introduce the other characters.

Naruko "Anaru" Anjou
Naruko Anjou, also known as "Anaru" is basically cold and rude towards Jintan, but for actual fact, holds feelings for him ever since they were children. She is worried about Jintan because of what he's doing to himself. She also attends the same high school as Jintan.

Atsumu Matsuyuki, aka "Yukiatsu" is now studying at a prestigious high school, and has basically disconnected himself from the rest of the group, (except for Tsuruko). He has an exceptionally hateful attitude towards Jintan because he feels inferior to him. Now of course, not so anymore. (I, and you would probably regard him as an asshole)

Chiriko Tsurumi, aka "Tsuruko" is also studying in the same high school as Yukiatsu, and has also changed in the period of 10 years. She and Yukiatsu are almost always together. She is very mature most of the time.
Atsumu "Yukiatsu" Matsuyuki &
Chiriko "Tsuruko" Tsurumi

Tetsudo "Poppo" Hisakawa
And lastly, Tetsudo Hisakawa, aka "Poppo", who has become a world traveller, visiting various countries in the 10 years, by not attending school at all since then and using the secret base of the Peace Busters when in Japan. He has a happy-go-lucky attitude, is funny, and gets along well with everyone.

And so, with the 10 years that have passed, Menma suddenly realises that everyone has changed. Yes, changed from the innocent easygoing attitudes they all had, into adults that have become, physically, mentally, and of character. 

Then comes the question, why is Menma here? 10 Years later? Well, basically, she has not fulfilled what she had promised to do in her life, and is now, a restless spirit. To finally rest in peace, she must fulfill that promise. The problem is, SHE CAN'T REMEMBER.

Then it all appears normal on the surface, with the 5 meeting together after such a long time, but somethings terribly dangerous is brewing inside all 5 individuals, feelings that have been bottled for far too long. All of which, point towards what happened, on that summer's day 10 years ago, which had eventually lead to the death of Menma.

Some felt guilty of causing and triggering the events which lead to the accident, some still having lingering feelings of an unrequited love. (FYI, this anime has A LOT of one-sided relationships)

Gathering together to help Menma achieve her goal and have eternal rest, the 5 do activities together in an attempt to fulfill Menma's unknown wish. And at long last, it pointed to one; something they did not achieve when they were young.

As the anime nears the end, an argument soon reveals all, all of the feelings the 5 felt over the past 10 years, the hatred, the tears, the sadness, the guilt and evil feelings.

By helping Menma, they eventually realized that they have indirectly helped themselves solve the crisis among each other and moved on; accepting Menma's death and becoming friends once again.

The plot of this anime, though very simple, carries very important emotions at the same time. I would definitely commend the style which was employed. They slowly showed you what happened on that summer's day, revealing the story slowly at a time, to give you that ahah, so that's why...

The theme is that of friendship, getting over the dead and moving on, and very significantly, how innocent actions and feelings as a child may grow into something unimaginable and dangerous.

The art is of the usual good standard.

Ano Hana's conclusion moved me to tears. You can truly sympathize with the characters in this anime. Though unimaginable in real life, it is probably a good simulation of what would happen if one of your good friends pass on when you were still a child. I also like Menma very much, (sorry Lolicon moment) she's so cute!

FYI, this anime was also exclusively featured in the Anime Festival Asia (AFA) 2011. Pity I didn't watch it before I attended the event.

10 years ago...

So always remember, never hold a grudge and let it haunt you for life! Have a good summer 2012 to come!

Edited by Tr3xus


  1. good post about

    Past Anime Review: Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai
