Friday, May 6, 2011

Manga Review: Hayate The Combat Butler

So i decided to do a manga review based on the first one i saw at random, and it is...

"Hayate no Gotoku!", or also known as "Hayate the Combat Butler", is one of my favourite mangas out there. As you all know from the famous Anime. Currently at the 318th chapter, the plot has gone a long way since it started.

You know those sort of mangas which have no seriousness at all, but have a faint trace of a plot development? If you do, then Hayate no Gotoku! is one of those mangas. A manga that emphasises on humour and ridiculousness.

The art, as seen, is consistent and cute, i guess. Depends on the reader. However, it is a manga that can bring a smile to your face all the time!

Okay, I should probably start on the plot.

The story first starts off with a young 16 year-old boy named Ayasaki Hayate, when he was just abandoned by his parents after they owed the yakuza 157 MILLION YEN (yeah, don't ask me how they managed to do that). After which, the yakuza decided to cut his organs to sell them, but he managed to escape from them. In doing so, he bumps into a rich girl which he decides to kidnap and ransom. Problem is, he's a terrible criminal, and one way or the other, manages to confess his love for her. Lol.

The girl, Nagi Sanzenin, decided to let Hayate work for her as, yes, her butler, (since she thinks Hayate is in love with her) to clear off his HUGE debt.

And YES, you can tell by the title, that this butler job, is full of fights. Ranging from talking tigers, homocidal robots and  jealous relatives, to perverted priests and possesive spirits.

Hayate no Gotoku! is also a harem, which may be a good or not so good thing, whichever way you look at it, and its atmosphere is just refreshing and new, compared to all the other mangas i read. The funny thing is that they managed to make something with completely no sense, into something that makes a lot of sense.

Unfortunately its no longer on MangaFox, but you can get it at MangaHere, @
Fansubs are by DKThias, as preferred.

So read Hayate no Gotoku! It's awesome! Don't like it? Well, TOO BAD...

Hmm, maybe I'll do a OP review next. Stay tuned!


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