Saturday, May 28, 2011

Zogonyan Chronicles I 33% Completion!

Hi all!

If you all remember, near the end of last year, i was conjuring a book. Well, today it has reached 33% completion!! hooray! (That is, if it's up to the 300 page quota i set out...)

Still, its a long way to go... This chronicles alone has 5 volumes.

Oh well!

PS: I will be doing a travel update next. Too much animes reviews so far... ^_^


Thursday, May 26, 2011

Second Anime Review: Sengoku Otome - Momoiro Paradox

Hi all, back again

I was preparing for the General Paper H1 examination today, so nothing was posted for the past few days...

Hm, where was I.. Ah yes, Sengoku Otome - Momoiro Paradox!

I don't really remember how i started watching this anime, but this is one of the most unique animes i've ever seen. This anime is the oldest i have ever seen, 16th Century Style (And i thought Gosick would be the furthest I ever saw)

The story starts off in Japan, where Yoshino Hideyoshi (Coincidentally named after the famous feudal lord Toyotomi Hideyoshi in Japan) is a high school girl in modern Japan. She has her own lifestyle and way of living, like a normal High - School girl at their age. She has a ring of friends whom she is very close to. And a sensei that cares about her.

In the first episode, you can already see the plot developing rapidly. She goes to a temple to pray for
good luck. However, she doesn't have good luck. She has some kind of accident, and crashes into the temple, and gets sucked into a magic portal!

Yoshino Hideyoshi
When she wakes up, its the 16th Century Japan! (Sengoku period) and meets Akerin (One of her friends) and realises its not Akerin but Akechi Mitsuhide (Another historical figure). She also meets Oda Nobunaga (Famous Feudal Lord in Sengoku Period), whom is in a conquest to find the "Crimson Armour": a red colour set of armour, when unified, will let its leader unite the country. Unfortunately the sets are scattered all around Japan. Taking a liking to Hideyoshi (It detect Yuri...), she seeks her help to retrieve the crimson armour and she agrees.

Oda Nobunaga
I also forgot to mention, EVERYBODY in the cast are WOMEN. (fyi: all these warlords in the past are all men.)
The story continues with laughter, and a lot of fun. A historical fantasy that one cannot miss! If you are looking for humour and real-life 16th Century living, watch this Anime!

Akechi Mitsuhide
I also realised that ALL the characters are historical figures, all of whom are very famous in the Sengoku Period of Japan (1467 - 1603) . I mean, is that allowed? Aren't people going to make noise over this?

However, one part i don't like about this anime is the clothes they wear. Aw man... It's those anime that is quite revealing. At first it was okay, but right when i was going to do the review, episode 7 appeared... You can watch it to find out, HAHA!

Sengoku Otome - Momoiro Paradox is subbed by Kyouki - Tsuki, and for untold reasons, the other subbers, Akatsuki & nanisubs both dropped subbing the show.

Sengoku Otome - Momoiro Paradox is 13 episodes long, and premiered from April 5 to June 28

Enjoy your day!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Spring 2011 Anime Openings & Endings Part 2

Hey Readers!

I'm going to announce the top 3 positions for the OP & EDs!


Steins;Gate ED

"Tokitsukasadoru Jūni no Meiyaku" (刻司ル十二ノ盟約) by Yui Sakakibara

Sung by Yui Sakakibara, you have to like how this song is structured! From a silent classical start, then the build up, followed by the full climax! You get that feeling when it hits the climax. Hmm... might consider playing this song... And you have to love the guitar in this song. And in the video, i didn't really realise what those floating pieces were until the last few seconds, lol. But what is with the ending picture?


Hidan no Aria OP

"Scarlet Ballet" by May'n

As I said from the review, awesome song! But the violin is probably electronic. Maybe i'm biased towards violin songs... Anyway, the video complements the music really well, well what did you expect from an action anime.

And first place is...


Steins;Gate OP

"Hacking to the gate" by Kanako Ito

There is a very good reason why it's first, and that's because this song is awesome. It's even become the Infinity Rhapsody Practice Song No 7. Maybe because i'm the bassis, so i think it's damn cool. But you have to hand it to Kanako Ito for this wonderful piece. There is not one moment in this song that is dull. The OP's theme is also interesting, mainly black and white. Steins; Gate twice in a row...

Oh yes, i will be doing a review on "Sengoku Otome - Momoiro Paradox" (Battle Girls - Time Paradox) tomorrow or the day after. Stay tuned!


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Second Anime Review: Hidan no Aria

This anime has been updated. To see "Hidan no Aria Final Impressions", click here.

As promised, i'm posting today about Hidan no Aria!

As you all know from the famous light novels and manga, that this anime has a pretty good plot, as well as being very original in content. Ok, to be frank, i'm not the kind that watch a lot of action animes. (The only ones being "To Aru Majutsu no Index I & II" , "To Aru Kagaku no Railgun" and "Sekirei S1 & 2") However, this does not mean i'm not going to give an informed review.

So Hidan no Aria is an action anime, where there is a school that specially trains students, called "Butei". People nationally qualified to use weapons to catch criminals. It was established to counter the worsening crime situation. However, there are many complications and people like the "Butei Murder" show up.

The main character, Kinji Toyama, is one of these Butei, but is an E grade (lowest rank) Butei, because he skipped one of the final examinations. Weirdly, (but sorta expected), he has a unique and powerful ability, which he calls "Hysteria Mode", where his cognitive and physical attributes suddenly spike around 30 times his normal state, when he is.... yes... sexually aroused.

So Hysteria...
"Hysteria Mode" allows Kinji to feats that are near impossible in reality, such as dodging a spray of bullets, and shooting into the muzzle of guns.

Kanzaki Holmes Aria IV
He meets the second main character, Aria Holmes Kanzaki, by a chance encounter when he is attacked by the "Butei Murderer". Aria is a S grade (highest rank) Butei. Her skill of being able to wield two guns or two swords (katanas) at the same time, gives her the title of Quandra. And as you can see from her name, she is the direct descendent of the famous Sherlock Holmes.

The two adventure out on their first case, which is to solve the mystery or the Butei Murderer. The Butei Murderer has already destroyed a cruise liner, attempted to assassinate Kinji on his bike, hijacked a bus, and in the latest episode, hijacked a plane, all for the sake of killing Buteis... Or is it?
Oh my gosh....

I hate to say it again three times in a row, but SHE'S SO CUTE! First Ohana, then Victorique, and now Aria! It's times like this when the anime producers love to show those cute faces, even though she's like, a super assassin... Lol.

Currently Hidan no Aria is at episode 5, just after the climax of the plane hijack. Another anime which encompasses Western & Eastern origins, i truly recommend you see it, BUT, you are WARNED, it contains ecchi!

You can get fansubs from Chihiro, Doki, gg and UTW. Hidan no Aria has 12 episodes, with 1 special, and premiered from April 15 to July 1

Also, the Hidan no Aria Opening Credits managed 2nd PLACE for the OP & ED positions. Its an awesome song by May'n...

Have fun watching!


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Completely NEW LOOK!

Hey all WWHCurrent readers!!!!

It's been 3 years since we started as a blog, and after such a long time, we FINALLY HAVE A NEW LOOK! HOORAY!

We threw out the old black pattern design and went with a full white otaku-theme!

Do expect a review on "Hidan no Aria" later!!


Sunday, May 15, 2011

Second Anime Review: Gosick

Well, it's not really the second review, but its suppose to be a review for Animes that are in the middle of the premiere.

Well well well, today i have a really good Anime, Gosick!

Gosick, (No IDEA why its called that, if you translate the Japanese name at the bottom, you get Gothic, not Gosick...) is an anime which is based in 1924, between World War I and II, in an imaginary country called Sauville, in the story, one of the stronger European Nations at the time. Shrouded in mystery, folk tales, legends, myths an superstitions, Gosick is all about adventurous pursuits, which the main characters risk their lives in them.

The story starts in a school called St. Marguerite Academy, where a Japanese teen, Kujo Kazuya, moves into the school as a foreign student. The third son of an imperial soldier, he has issues about pride in his history. Someway or the other, he meets Victorique de Blois, who is always BORED, (Much like me really, melancholic...). Victorque posseses amazing detective skills, which she calls the "fountain of wisdom/sagacity". An outcast from his family and forever ridiculed as the "daughter of a murderer", she remains lonely, until the chanced meeting. Only these 2 are the main characters of the story, unlike those Harem stories where you have so many characters u lose count.

In the story, which i intend not to spoil for you, the two go around Sauville exploring superstition and mystery, where they end up learning a little more about Sauville's horrid and terrible past and deeds.

VERY RARELY do i get to see an anime based in the 1920s period, and one that has such AMAZING art. The detail is amazing and plot is well done. (I'm not saying its perfect, but it's very well drafted).

Still, even though I'm no Lolicon, Victorique is so CUTE, Oh my gosh, cutest looking female character, best EDs, and amazing plot and art! This is the perfect Anime!

You can get Gosick from ACT-SUB, Darksoul-Subs, Hatsuyuki-Tsuki, Static-Subs and Tokimeki Subs.
Or you can do what i did: Download Episodes 1 to 13 with Derp Subs, until they DROPPED it.

Gosick has 24 episodes, and premiered from January 7 to July 2

There were probable reasons why it was dropped, perhaps due to fragmented and broken plot structure during episodes 11 - 13. They did not have much of a meaning to what was going on, and only until episode 15 do you get the full "wow!" impact. What to do? Every anime must have an "omake" episode or 2!


New Theme for WWHCurrent?

Recently, i've been thinking.

Is this black background with black word background with white words too boring?
Maybe i should change it...

What do you viewers think?


Spring 2011 Anime Openings & Endings

Hi readers!

I do apologize for not posting for 3 days. There were technical difficulties.
So today, i will post 3 posts!

First of which, which you all can see by the sidebar, are the animes that i watch.

So i'll be reviewing the best OPs and EDs of this season.

DISCLAIMER: All Videos are mirrored and all credit goes to the producers of the following material.


Gosick ED2

Sung by Komine Lisa, probably the best singer who merges traditional opera & folk songs with modern instruments, to produce a defeaning impact to listeners! I couldn't get this tune out of my head for nearly a week, lol. Go Gosick!


Hanasaku Iroha OP

With its high pitch singing, its cute and emotional. This OP is probably one of the most fast paced and catchy ones of the lot, and full of life, just like Iroha!


Gosick ED

Komine Lisa again! This is probably the BEST classical ED i have every heard in my LIFE, Violin + Electric Guitar + Wicked Drum Beat = AWESOMENESS.

For now, these are the rankings! Will post the first 4 later. ^_^


Monday, May 9, 2011

Initial Anime Review: Hanasaku Iroha

*This review has been updated. Click here for final impressions: "Hanasaku Iroha Final Impressions"

Evening folks.

Apart from the SG 2011 elections (which i can't participate in), everything in Anime & Manga seems the same.

And no, i'm not going to talk about it because this is not a political blog and i'm no political correspondent. Go to Channel News Asia to find out.

It's so horrible that i don't get manga for an entire week. Well... Japanese have to have their golden time.

Today, I've decided to do a review on:

"Hanasaku Iroha", or "Hana-Saku Iroha" (don't see what difference there is by placing a hyphen) an anime which I am currently watching. Yes, its one of those romance-filled, real life, super emotional type animes that we all (or some of us) love.

And just to make it a point, how can you not love the main character? She's sooooooo cute!!!

Well, I should go explaining the plot first, since that's the most important part.

Life in tokyo is, erm... not so good, when you have an irresponsible mother who is having a boyfriend and decides to abandon you to someone else. This is currently the life of this 16 year old girl; Ohana Matsumae. A hardworking girl who gets no reward for her efforts. You can say is harsh, but that's what makes it so realistic, lol.

So Ohana is left in the care of her grandmother, whom she realises owns a Taisho period (1920s) hot spring inn called Kissuiso in the countryside. Not getting on good terms with her grandmother at all, she makes her work at Kissuiso. However, she finds herself at ends with, well, almost all of the employees at the inn. (Like i said, harsh). Very discouraged at first, (even getting slapped later by her grandmother), she learns that she must change for the better, to make ammends, and get along well with them, eventually helping Kissuiso become even better in the future.

It is, without doubt, one of the best countryside type anime which i have ever seen. The plot is very well made, and it also contains humour to a generic level, though i don't quite understand why there was bondage in this anime, which is very unique.
Main Cast.

Besides that, it really is a heart-warming anime that you MUST WATCH.
You can get the fansubs for Hanasaku Iroha from Doki, Hatsuyuki and SHiN-gx

Hanasaku Iroha has 26 episodes, and premieres from April 3 to September 25

Oh yeah, i still haven't done the OP review... Damnit...


Friday, May 6, 2011

Manga Review: Hayate The Combat Butler

So i decided to do a manga review based on the first one i saw at random, and it is...

"Hayate no Gotoku!", or also known as "Hayate the Combat Butler", is one of my favourite mangas out there. As you all know from the famous Anime. Currently at the 318th chapter, the plot has gone a long way since it started.

You know those sort of mangas which have no seriousness at all, but have a faint trace of a plot development? If you do, then Hayate no Gotoku! is one of those mangas. A manga that emphasises on humour and ridiculousness.

The art, as seen, is consistent and cute, i guess. Depends on the reader. However, it is a manga that can bring a smile to your face all the time!

Okay, I should probably start on the plot.

The story first starts off with a young 16 year-old boy named Ayasaki Hayate, when he was just abandoned by his parents after they owed the yakuza 157 MILLION YEN (yeah, don't ask me how they managed to do that). After which, the yakuza decided to cut his organs to sell them, but he managed to escape from them. In doing so, he bumps into a rich girl which he decides to kidnap and ransom. Problem is, he's a terrible criminal, and one way or the other, manages to confess his love for her. Lol.

The girl, Nagi Sanzenin, decided to let Hayate work for her as, yes, her butler, (since she thinks Hayate is in love with her) to clear off his HUGE debt.

And YES, you can tell by the title, that this butler job, is full of fights. Ranging from talking tigers, homocidal robots and  jealous relatives, to perverted priests and possesive spirits.

Hayate no Gotoku! is also a harem, which may be a good or not so good thing, whichever way you look at it, and its atmosphere is just refreshing and new, compared to all the other mangas i read. The funny thing is that they managed to make something with completely no sense, into something that makes a lot of sense.

Unfortunately its no longer on MangaFox, but you can get it at MangaHere, @
Fansubs are by DKThias, as preferred.

So read Hayate no Gotoku! It's awesome! Don't like it? Well, TOO BAD...

Hmm, maybe I'll do a OP review next. Stay tuned!


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Life Update

Hey Readers,

Today is the first segment about what has happened to my life so far. As you know, ever since i went on my End Of Year trip in December last year (which i still havent' posted half of the remaining photos. Will post in June), i haven't had the chance to post anything related to my life. After graduating from Anglo-Chinese School (Barker Road) with L1R5 10, i applied for Catholic Junior College. Of course, like all AC boys, i applied for Anglo - Chinese Junior College as my first choice.

Still, maybe a completely new environment may be good. I entered CJC, with only 10 people from my batch in the school. It was like Secondary One again.

I also got to experience an authentic JC Orientation, and made many friends in my OG(Orientation Group) 32. Sadly, none of them made it to my class 1T21, which was the combination of Physics H2, Economics H2, Mathematics H2, Chemistry H1.

Okay, enough with the academics, or else you all will die of boredom. Well, one thing you can take away is the life in CJC. I NEVER BEEN to such a good school library. The compound is huge! (Even i got lost in the first week.) I also NEVER SEEN such a huge Concert Theatre. It was twice the size of my old school's one.

Still, it's been three months since the start of JC. And you have to like the study-orientated environment. Still, standards are extremely high if you want to make the cut. Maybe for all those who are going to decide in the future, i can explain a little bit more to you guys.

Junior College
- Have to put in lots of effort
- 5 days a week, roughly 8 - 9 hours of school
- Makeup classes and Remedial are the norm.
- Must take H1 Chinese and have a subpass to get "A" Level Certificate
- Must take Project Work, General Paper and pass to be promoted.
- Must take NAPFA (National Physical Fitness Award) every year.
- More job scope in the future, jack of all trades.
- 2 Years

- 3 Years
- More relaxed, depending on course
- Specialized in whatever taught,
- One year less in University as Poly covers part of the syllabus already
- 3-4 days a week, 2 - 4 hours of school, depending on course.
- Chinese is exempted.
- NAPFA can be taken in the last year (Year 3)

So you see, this is what O-Level Students face every year. Maybe this will help.

Hmm, maybe i'll talk about a manga review tomorrow...


Monday, May 2, 2011

Initial Anime Review: Steins;Gate

*This review has been updated. Click here for final impressions: "Steins;Gate Final Impressions"

El Psy Congroo!

The famous sentence always mentioned. I'm going to talk about a new anime here, called "Steins;Gate". From the popular XBOX 360 and PC game, this new anime is sure to get viewers as well!

Life in Akihabara starts off with Rintarō Okabe, the protagonist of Steins;Gate (Of course, he invented the name Steins;Gate), who claims to be a mad scientist (trust me, he really acts like one) and goes under the alias Kyōma Hōōin. The female characters is Makise Kurisu, a neuroscience researcher and Mayuri Shiina, Rinataro's childhood friend. Also in the anime is Hashida Itaru, a super hacker in both hardware and software.

Things actually, don't go off to a good start. Honestly, i found the first episode very unappealing. (Probably explains why UTW Subs dropped the subs for the anime after the first episode only...).  The way it presented itself would probably deter anybody, due to the mad scientist/irrational thinking part.

However, don't be fooled! Normally high-plot animes are always like that, confusing. But after episode 1, it gets really good.

The plot is about time-travel. Set in the summer of 2010, the story sets on the discovery of a microwave time machine, where the protagonist travels back and forth in time to alter what has happened in the future.

Steins;Gate is being subbed by Commie, Steins;Sub and Doki.
It is currently going to show Episode 4. Steins;Gate has 24 episodes, premiering from April 6 to September 9

Not to spoil the plot for you, i'm not going to explain everything. In these sort of anime, you have to watch the exact details of what has happened. Very much like To-Aru Majutsu no Index II.

See you in the future!

Initial Anime Review: The World God Only Knows II

*This has been updated. Click here for final impressions: "TWGOK Final Impressions"

Dear Otakus,

Have to say, it wasn't a surprise when  in the last episode of "The World God Only Knows I" that they announced that a second season was to be premiered. Reading the manga, since chapter 1... where you have flying demons, a full-on otaku that turns into a "Capturing God" and conquers girls with loose souls, what can go wrong?

As the same plot follows Season 1, life centers around Katsuragi Keima, an "Otamegane"(Literal meaning of Glasses wearing Otaku), who is able to 'capture' almost any girl in his virtual games. But in real life he hates the "real world", and is extremely unpopular. After colliding with a demon called Elsie de Lut Ima,  otherwise known as "Elsie", he unknowingly signed a contract to capture loose souls from hell. Unfortunately, he can't remove them physically, because they are stuck in the "crevices" in women's hearts. And the only way to remove the loose souls is through making LOVE to them. Keima then uses his "Capturing Skills" in games, and turns HIMSELF into a lady's man.

In season 1, Keima conquered 4 girls, Ayumi, Mio, Kanon and Shiori. In Season 2, it will be Kusonoki, Chihiro and Nagase.

Currently, it has premiered up to Episode 3, where Haqua is introduced for the first time.

You can get the fansubs from Chihiro (Same Name), ColourMeSubbed, Commie or Sarasu-Subs. It has 12 episodes, and premieres from April 12 to June 28

TWGOK is an anime which incorporates cuteness, humour, romance, harem (which i think is soon), and adventure. A must watch ^_^

If you haven't seen Season 1, you ought to see it! (Explains a lot) Or you can see the first 2 minutes of episode 1...

Or you can be like me; a little insane, watching the anime AND reading the 140 chapter manga.

PS: Haqua looks very different in the anime than the manga. Maybe it's the purple, or my eyes...
