Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Initial Impressions: K

Posted by DarrenW
October 16, 2012


oKay now, it is I, DarrenW, and today I will be bringing the first anime of many, for the new season of Autumn 2012.

So the anime I'll be introducing to you guys today is called "K", yes, an anime with a SINGLE LETTER as the name of the show. How awesome is that?

So what's the anime about? Well, it all begins in Tokyo (Japan), where two factions are at bitter ends with one another. The first faction is called "Scepter 4", it is lead by their leader Reisi Munakuta (Blue King),

Scepter 4

Homura Clan
The other faction is called the "Homura Clan", and is lead by leader Mikoto Suoh (Red King). The two factions dress differently, and operate differently as well.

The story begins when the Homura Clan attacks a hotel, in the attempt of finding someone. Who? Well, let's just say "murderer" for starters. Scepter 4 then appears, confronting the clan, of which they escape.

But thats just the introduction. We haven't even met our main protagonist yet! Meet Yashiro Isana, a white-haired boy who attends high-school under the profile of a foreign student. Having a happy attitude and relaxed feel of things, life is generally good.

Well, what I meant to say was good, FOR A BRIEF MOMENT TILL EVERYBODY WANTS TO KILL YOU.

Yes, for some unknown reason, Yashiro is suddenly attacked out of nowhere by a member of the Homura Clan, as well as Kuro Yatagomi (Black Cat). It then becomes clear to us. The innocent looking Yashiro is the murderer they were looking for. In a short recorded video, Yashiro was seen shooting the cameraman, in cold blood, at point blank range. The guy, known as the "Colourless King", wears a smile while murdering his victim.

Yeah... that's the development so far. Yashiro manages to escape, but Black Cat keeps catching up with him. Then the MOST AWESOME/RETARDED/WEIRD/AMAZING thing happened:
How indecent!

The cute neko (cat) with Yashiro all this while, TURNS INTO A NAKED GIRL. My mind literally exploded at that moment. Even Black Cat couldn't look! Hahahaha.

With some mystic powers, neko is able transform into human, and also, transform the environment around her, helping Yashiro escape! But the chase only becomes longer, as Black Dog is able to chase up to them.

In the end, the three just give up, as they are overwhelmed from tiredness. Suffering from starvation, Black Dog offers to cook everyone breakfast. WHAT? WH... WHAT SORT OF CUTCHASE SUDDENLY STOPS HALFWAY AND THE CHARACTERS BREAK FOR BREAKFAST. WHY ARE THEY EATING BREAKFAST TOGETHER??!!



Anyway, I found K to be very interesting. Firstly, K used a new type of presentation style, which I found very interesting cause I never seen it before. It's called fisheye lens. Music and art styles are unique, and invoke a kind of 21st Century Hipster / New Age sort of atmosphere.

Secondly, it looks like its going to be an action-packed anime with a lot of intense plot lines and relationships. C'mon! The whole of sceptre 4 are holding katanas, Homura Clan all have magic powers.

Yea, I have a very good impression about this show, but man, the ecchi is terrible! Aw...

The OP, is also amazing, on the levels with BTOOOM!'s one. I have to see the best one yet. ED was okay, but it was just Neko appearing the whole time, naked...

K is an Autumn 2012 anime, which premiered on October 4th, and it will have, unfortunately, only 13 episodes. (Those 13 episodes better be awesome). K is also the feature anime (Besides Mahou Shoujo Madoka) for "Anime Festival Asia 2012", and will be promoted during the fair's duration. It is currently fansubbed by Anime-Koi, Asenshi, Commie, Doki, Hatsuyuki, Shini-Subs, and is available on Viz Media and Anime On Demand.

Have fun watching K, oKay? (Omg I just face-palmed myself for saying that)

Edited by Tr3xus

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