
Hi! Welcome to the feedback page.

This page is relatively new, but as the reader, you, the public have the right to decide what you wish to see on our website!

So how about it? Comment and contribute to help us help you to enjoy using our website features!

We will treat your comments as seriously as we can in our best interest. Please note that profanities are not allowed. XD


  1. Hello DarrenW

    I've received your comment about link exchange in my blog (Canne's anime review blog). I've looked around your site and I like the anime review posts a lot despite some of them being a little synopsis-heavy. I love the energy and cheerfulness of this site. The only drawback for me was probably the busy background which could be distracting (this is just for me, of course).

    I'd love a link exchange and will definitely frequent this site in my free time.

  2. Oh hi Canne,

    Thanks for the reply! And honestly, thanks for the reply! Its hard for me to try and guess what the readers want to see in their website, so any form of feedback really helps me!

    Yea, regarding the background, I realize the opacity is a bit too heavy, maybe I'll weaken it a bit
    And regarding the posts, well we sometimes want the reader to have a feel of what the anime is about, but sometimes we really overdo it by explaining too much. We will continue to work on it!

    you can find your banner <--- on the left sidebar.

    I went to your website the other day and I found it quite nice, because its very simplistic, compared to ours, and easy to follow. I also like the depth analysis you give to most of your animes, which is something suuper unique and interesting to read. :D

    I hope we'll see each other soon!


  3. Hi WWHCurrent

    I've been reading your website for quite a while now and I really like the reviews you guys are putting out. It's very informative. I also like the design very much!

    Just a suggestion, can you guys put out animes ranked by genre as well? It saves a lot of time when I don't know what to watch. Thanks!

    C Kaple

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Hi C Kaple,

    Thanks for your suggestion, I'm glad that you are enjoying the website!

    We are currently looking into revamping the rankings system to make it more organised. We will take your suggestion into consideration. Do look out for changes in the near future!

