Sunday, September 9, 2012

Past Anime Review: Yumeiro Patissiere / 夢色パティシエール

Posted by MedusaS
September 9, 2012

So this early morning I decided to do a review that is surprisingly NOT ECCHI. Yes people have been asking me why I've been watching so many ECCHI titles. Answer? I don't know. Don't judge me! XD

So today I'll be sharing with you one of the longest animes I've watched from 2009 to 2010, "Yumeiro Patissiere / 夢色パティシエール" (Dream-Coloured Pastry Chef)

The story all begins, very very early on, with our protagonist, Amano Ichigo, who is your average 14 year-old girl, who isn't very good at what she does, but has a talent, unfortunately that being able to eat tons (I mean TONS) of sweets.

*Btw sweets, with reference to this anime, referes to pastries, and a majority of the ones shown in this anime are those from Paris, France.

Upon divulging in her favourite food, she meets Henri Lucas, a patissiere (pâtissier), of whom finds Ichigo has an amazing palate in taste. Upon meeting Ichigo, he recommends her to attend St. Marie Academy, a school, based in Japan, specially catered for students to learn the art of pastry making.

*Btw, Patissieres are pastry chefs who specialize in the art of making sweets that have designs that will blow your mind away.

And so Ichigo's legacy begins, from square one. Upon arrival, she meets the three princes (and future partners), they are:

Makoto Kashino
An arrogant and easily flustered character with blond hair, Makoto specializes in the making of chocolate-based sweets. Always getting top-notch grades, he keeps a high level of pride. I can't say anything else about him because that'll be spoiling the fun for you guys!

Satsuki Hanabusa
Emitting roses from his aura, the prince of candy and flower designed sweets, Satsuki is "the flirt", being extremely nice to nearly all the girls in his immediate surroundings. The only thing I can't really stand is that he's quite girly (no offence).

Sennosuke Andou
And last but not least, Andou, who is your bespectacled character, who specializes in traditional Japanese sweets. He is one of the more neutral characters, who is extremely generous and helpful in every way.

But this is NOT A REAL-LIFE ANIME, THERE'S MAGIC! Yes, each patissiere gets his/her own magical partner, called sweets spirits! Pocket sized and being named after an ingredient, they help each pastissiere along the way, to become professional pastry chefs. They come from a magical dimension.

The plot develops when the main event of St. Marie, the Cake Grand Prix. Teams will compete, in the form of preparing professional sweets under a stipulated time, then allowing judges to taste their masterpieces. The final score will decide who will win or lose, and the final winner gets an all expense paid education in the main St. Marie Academy in Paris. She and the three princes come together to form their team of which enter into the competition.

Not going to elaborate further for the sake of not giving you guys spoilers, the long and arduous journey for Ichigo and the three sweet princes begins. Will they win the Grand Prix? What sort of exciting sweets would they make for to blow the competition away? Will Ichigo's dream be met? Watch to find out!

I really enjoyed this anime because No. 1: I like to eat sweets, and I think this anime really deserves praise for its art in this field! The sweets are so well drawn and painted. Though food making animes are rare, this anime really shows you what sweets can look like. No. 2: Its very educational. After the end of the anime, I really, genuinely, learnt a lot about sweets, how its made, what types there are, etc. The show even has a "Learn how to make sweets" segment after each episode. C'MON, this is awesome!

No. 3: The art style used in this anime, though your typical shoujo, is, to me, hard to come by nowadays. You rarely get this kind of art in animes nowadays, which I think is kinda sad. The art styles used in this anime is able to allow extravagance, at the same time, providing a sort of warm feel.

Though the plot was a drag, this anime really made some interesting points on a field of things, not only sweets-related. It described dreams, ambitions, goals, and teamwork, to a significant degree, which was surprisingly well delivered and was very realistic. The only downside was the use of a development such as the Grand Prix. Since you know that in the end there will only be a winner, so how can Team Ichigo lose? Kinda guessed it halfway.

I strongly recommend this anime because it managed to achieve great things, in the field of sweets and beyond. Though not the best anime I've watched, highly interesting.

Sadly though, this anime was not watched by a lot of people, which I don't know why. Maybe it was due to its genre and all that.

Yumeiro Patissiere premiered from October 4, 2009 to September 26, 2010, and has 50 Episodes in its first season. Second season, named "Yumeiro Patissiere Proffessional", and has 13 episodes in that.

I don't have a preview or trailer video so make do with this!

Hint: Romance Again!

Edited by FayeA

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