Sunday, April 29, 2012

Initial Impressions: Haiyore! Nyarlko-san

April 29, 2012
Posted by MedusaS

Yo Otakus,

Here's your seasonal dose of CRAZY with this fantastically funny anime, "Haiyoru! Nyarlko-san"!!!!

Mahiro Yasaka
So where does all the random stuff begin? Well with a serious horror plot of course! Our main protagonist, Mahiro Yasaka is struggling as he attempts to outrun an out of this world monster.

It manages to corner him, but then is suddenly stabbed by someone and died.

It is then revealed that the person who saved Mahiro was none other than our other main character, the MOST WACKY, FUNNY, ENERGETIC AND CUTE character I have seen in a LONG time. Yes, its Nyarlathotep, or Nyarlko-san.

For those who are asking WHAT? WTF is Nyarlathotep? Well, it is a name derived from one of H.P. Lovecraft's works on the Cthulhu Mythos, a shared ficitional universe, of which this anime's original novel writer based idea from.

For those who don't know what the Cthulhu Mythos is (er, like EVERYONE), think of it as something alien with an aztec feel to it.

So yeah, this anime is an adaptation to the mythos, of which the fictional elemental classifications have been all converted into cute anime girls.

Now that wasn't too hard to digest is it? I summarized it into about 100 words for you guys.

Yeah, so now we know what angle this anime is going. Alien. OMG.

Anyways, I will first explain what IS GOING ON. Nyarlko-san is a part of the Space Defence Agency, who has begged her boss to be dispatched to Earth, to protect Mahiro from certain death. There have been  other aliens planning on hurting him, which she has to deal with.

And deal with she DOES. She completely disembowels and rips them wearing a smile on her face. Like I said, crazy. Why she begged for the job was because she fell in love with Mahiro at first sight... and she's also an otaku. An alien as an otaku. (Insert Jackie Chan Meme here)

Anyway, in the second episode, she decides to bring Mahiro to Ry'leh to investigate what was going on and put a stop to it. Of which she did and the plot literally ended in episode 2. That's all.

I was quite pleased and displeased at the same time in episode 2, where a lot of the serious scenes with the serious feel going on with it were literally changed into something else with the flick of humor... The action scenes were quite funny and at the same time using some CQC (Close Quarters Combat) which I don't get.

Well of course, if its humour you are looking for, THIS IS IT. This will be one of the funniest shows of the season.

If its ECCHI you are looking for, this is also IT. However it ISN'T Mahiro as the perverted one. ITS NYARLKO.

However, Nyarlko-san would be, in that sense, very different from your other heroines. Not tsundere, very perverted and very dirty minded, random. So only the looks hold, of which isn't her true form either.

It also has a very funny OP video which summarizes how the whole anime is going to look like quite well. AND WHO IS THAT VOICE ACTOR WITH THE FUNNY VOICE? Well it's Vanilla from "Yumeiro Patissiere" (OMG)

Personally though, I feel that the plot, after episode 2, is just gonna be your usual ecchi humour episodes with some action in between.

Haiyore! Nyarlko-san is a Spring 2012 anime which premiered on April 9th, 2012. It is being fansubbed by Commie, Ahodomo, Hatsuyuki, and Underwater-rori.

Enjoy being random and losing your sanity. LMAOing
Edited by FayeA


  1. Seriously? Calling everyone an Otaku? Bleh... -_-

    Anyway, you sound like really displeased. Well for me, I'm pleased so far. xP
