Saturday, January 28, 2012

Anime & Manga Review: Lovely Complex!

January 27th, 2012
Posted by DaBrenz

Hey guys!! Missed me? DaBrenz here and I’m back with another review of my absolute favourite and current obsession for BOTH manga and anime because it is one of THE MOST UNCONVENTIONAL MANGA/ANIME I have ever read/watched!

Well, who’s ever read this quote? “ Tall girl + Short guy = Awkward :|
                                                        Tall girl + Tall guy = Cuteee :D
                                                        Short girl +Tall guy = Adorable ♥
                                                        Short girl + Short guy = Awwhh :) ”

I confess, I used to think along these lines, until I came across today’s highlight: "Lovely Complex!"

I hereby proclaim this to be the most unconventional manga/anime, because it actually features what is supposedly the most “Awkward” relationship of them all. Even though I was a little out of my comfort zone, I LOVED IT. (Still love it.) I definitely think differently of tall girl/short guy couples now!!!

Author: Nakahara Aya
Artist: Nakahara Aya

Introducing Koizumi Risa, our headstrong protagonist, standing tall at 170cm. Her hilarious ways and antics have gotten her into loads of trouble: which has earned her a rightful place as half of the comedy duo “All Hanshin-Kyojin.” The other half of “All Hanshin-Kyojin” is quirky basketballer Otani Atsushi standing at 156cm. (Not to mention that their height difference is similar to that of the actual All Hanshin-Kyojin.)

Their heights bring about some rivalry between the two, but the unfolding of many events brings about common ties like Umibouzou, showing many quirks and characteristics that both Koizumi and Otani share. This changes Koizumi’s perceptions of things: what is the ideal relationship / what is an ideal boyfriend for someone of her stature. This allows Koizumi to see past their surface relationship and consider her true feelings for Otani. While Koizumi has made her feelings clear as day, she finds her efforts fruitless, because the dense Otani just doesn’t get it!!

Koizumi is greatly supported by their close group of friends, consisting of Nobuko Ishihara, Heikichi Nakao, Ryoji Suzuki and Chiharu Tanaka (whereby Nobu and Nakao, Suzuki and Chiharu are couples). With help from friends and love rivals alike, (gradually introduced into the story), watch the crazy chase that is her love story, as Koizumi falls in love, undergoes numerous trials and tribulations, all while never giving up, finally attaining a love relationship with Otani.

This manga and anime isn’t just about two people overcoming their shyness for one another. It's about one party severely disliking the other, only to have a miracle occur which allows them to fall in love. 

Lovely Complex is a story about the stereotypes and conventions of society, of accepting and being accepted. It is about gradually realising the feeling of love blossoming between two best friends: about stepping out of the Friendzone and becoming lovers. It is about differentiating and discovering the difference of the meaning of “like” and about growing up. It encompasses many aspects of being in a relationship, holding many surprises and twists.

With 61 chapters, Lovely Complex is complete!! Scanlated by a few parties, the complete series of Lovely Complex can be found on MangaEden! Take note of Lovely Complex Plus, which also contains a few short stories about Koizumi and Otani. Lovely Complex also has an ANIME!!! Released in 2007 with 24 episodes, it is complete!! One interesting aspect of the anime is that the characters all speak in Kansai-Ben, which is uncommon for anime! There is also a Lovely Complex game and a Lovely Complex live-action film (whichever floats your boat).

So let us put our perceptions aside and allow love in its truest form to carry us away~ I hope you enjoy this series as much as I did!

DaBrenz, signing off! ☺

P.s- If you’re a sensitive soul (like me hehe), prepare a box of tissues! You might need em when the time comes!!

P.p.s- Do check out the polls by the side of the web page, and do give us your opinions in the comments section or in the chatbox! Cheers!

Next review: Boys, you’ll enjoy this one greatly!! Girls who wish to have a conversation with that hunky basketball boy, you’ll find this useful too!!

Edited by FayeA

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