Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Final Impressions: Mayo Chiki

October 25, 2011
Posted by DarrenW


For those wondering how long this video will be up there, just a bit sooner! :D

For those who like this anime, enjoy! For those who don't, too bad!

Anyways, I'll be doing the final impressions as requested, for "Mayo Chiki!"

Just ending a few weeks ago with a slightly blunt ending, I will just explain some basics

Just for your information this IS an ECCHI anime of the season. Those who don't like ECCHI go to the next post, haha.

So the setting is about the same as every other ECCHI school-based anime. A normal student by the name of Sakamachi Kinjirou, goes to high school along with his classmates. However, he has an abnormal condition. He can't touch girls. If he does, he will bleed his nose off! Having a pro-wrestler for a mum and a sister following in her footsteps, Jirou's condition was aparrently caused by them using him as a sandbag.

I just realised the main character has almost the same name as Hidan no Aria's Kinji Toyama.

Anyway, some of you might be wondering, WHY MAYO CHIKI? Well, if you take a good look at the main charcter's name, its spelt SakamaCHI KInjirou. Hahahahaha.

OMG I think I will be having a
nosebleed too.
So I've better get to the plot. In Jirou's school though, things aren't that normal. There is an Ojou-Sama (High-Class Girl), Kanade Suzutsuki, whom always brings her butler, Subaru Konoe, along with her. So, Jirou's life probably ends about now, when he discovers Konoe wearing girl panties when he opens the toilet cubicle. MAN DOESN'T ANYBODY KNOCK ANYMORE?

He is later assaulted by Konoe and with the outrageous turn of events, discovers that the butler is actually a girl! The light hearted Suzutsuki suddenly turns sadistic and... it suddenly becomes some bondage scene...

Plot-wise, this anime has... actually, not much of a plot line, as expected. Rather, each episode has its own intriguing plot. Honestly, I have no doubt in my mind that its pure random shit.

The theme is very touching as Konoe-San starts to learn about true life with Jirou-Kun, whom is also her first and best friend. For now, the theme of the anime is with the discovery of a life that Konoe-San never knew existed. Kinjirou also gets in touch with Masamune Usami, Nakuru Narumi, and forms closer bonds with his sister, Kureha Sakamachi.

Though, there are really too many "coincidences" happening in the anime, which is quite annoying, but of course, natural for an ECCHI. XD For the pervs, definitely for you. For people who like cuteness, maybe, but just a note that every, and I mean EVERY episode has some exposing, or "fan service" as they call it.

Scariest  Ojou-Sama ever encountered
And just a side note, this anime has the ECCHI level way high up there, i would say on the same level as Infinite Stratos. But still, pretty unusual to have a girl butler in a school set-up. OH YES, Hayate no Gotoku! But that is the complete opposite. This anime is gonna be interesting.

What Did She DO?
And did Kinjirou heal his phobia from GAP MOE at the end?! WTH?

Mayo Chiki has 12 episodes in total, and premiered on July the 2nd. It is fansubbed by AyakoChihiroDokiInterrobang, and WhyNot, just like i asked myself, why not i try watching this?

I bet you pervs somewhere out there are giving that look.

Hint for next review: Which anime has been running for 15 years so far?


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