Monday, September 12, 2011

Initial Impressions: Ao no Exorcist / 青の祓魔師

September 12, 2011
Posted by IAmBored

Hello everybody!!!!!!!!!!!! I’M BACK! (And might be gone for up to a month due to exams…. SO STRESSFUL!!!)

I don’t believe this! I’m actually watching an on-going anime!!!!
HAHAHA…. I would never have expected this!!!
Well… As I promised, this anime is about exorcists :D (I wanted to do D Gray man… But, well, this is more recent than that. I’ll do DGM some day when I’m free…)
So… This is a nice anime. :D "Ao No Exorcist!" (AKA Blue Exorcist) (青の祓魔師) Let’s go!

Left: Rin, Right: Yukio
Warning: There is a bit of reference to the Bible, the characters inside and scriptures. So please just watch this anime with an open mind. :D There is also blood… AGAIN :D

What would happen if you know you are SATAN’S son? (I’d rather die!)
There are two worlds that are linked together like a mirror, our world, called Assiah, and the demon world, called Gehenna. 

Originally, no contact is supposed to occur between the two. (But if it is really true, then there’s no need for a story, since everything is so peaceful. XD)

Fatherly Love : Rin & Shiro (L > R)
The protagonist, Rin Okumura, found out about this true identity after his father, Father Shiro Fujimoto (Exorcist) told him that the things he saw are actually demons. He is the son of Satan the Devil and a human woman. His twin brother, Yukio Okumura, is a human though, since he is not strong enough to possess demon power. 

This is what happens when
you put them together :D
However, both of them are still technically, Satan’s sons.

Shiro Fujimoto died trying to protect Rin, and thus, Rin did what Shiro told him not to do: Pull the demon-slaying blade, Kurikara, from its scabbard. The blade sealed his demon powers, but once taken out, he will regain the powers and gain permanent features like fangs, pointed ears and a tail. Blue flame is seen as well when he draws the blade.

LOVE the Cat... NYAN!!
His name is Kuro.
At the funeral, he is approached by a man, (crazy man) by the name of Mephisto Pheles, who leads a group of exorcists. According to Mephisto, Rin only have three choices left: 1) Kill himself. 2) Let them kill him. 3) Kill them then escape. Rin then surpises them by coming out with a fourth option: Become an exorcist so that he can “KICK SATAN'S ASS” (quoted from Rin).

And so, his journey begins as he trained to become an exorcist in the True Cross Academy, where Mephisto is the headmaster. Thus the story continues….!

Anyways… Even though I hate ongoing animes, this is an anime that I would DEFINITELY watch :D
It’s so funny!!!! LOL!!! (BTW… I only watch comedy animes.)

Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Action, Shounen.
Plot: Very FUNNY :D But it’s serious at times. I cried when Rin’s father died. The amazing (and ridiculous) part of this anime is that Rin is a demon, but he is fighting demons??? What a hypocrite! But I like this type of weird animes! HAHA.

Ao no Exorcist is a Spring 2011 anime, and premiered on April 17th 2011, Now it has 21 episodes so far.

The first few minutes of the 1st episode were horrible, but it is necessary and explained in the later part of the anime. (But it doesn’t mean I have to like it!). Well… What do you think?????? I’ll be doing final impressions once it’s ended… :D Hopefully not anytime soon since I LOVE IT!!!

Hint for next review: What does red liquid remind you of? (Completed anime)

PS: Hey~! Who loves BL anime or manga? Want me to review them???

CYA in a month (I HOPE :P)
IAmBored (I am still, really bored)

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