Thursday, December 22, 2011

Past Anime Review: To Aru Majutsu no Index Season 1

December 22, 2011
Posted by DarrenW

Yes, and I'm back with a classic anime from 2008, "To Aru Majutsu no Index" (A Certain Magical Index) Season 1!

For those who have seen the review for season 2 and are wondering what is season 1 like, here is a rough idea.

So let us start from our protagonist, Kamijyo Touma. Who exactly is he? Well he lives and studies in Academic City (Gakuen Toshi), a city that wholly dedicates its research to teach/equip individuals with supernatural abilities, based off the esper theory.

Index Librorum Prohibitorum

But for Touma, he is known as a level 0, a person that has no ability whatsoever. Or does he?

So the story begins with Touma being chased down by thugs in Academic City. By being nice to prevent a girl from being bullied, he basically gets pwned. After that, the girl (Misaka Mikoto) who he was trying to protect suddenly decides to kill him.

But he survives! Followingly, he finds A SMALL NUN GIRL HANGING ON HIS BALCONY. And she goes by the name of Index Librorum, Prohibitorum, otherwise known as Index. Meeting her for the first time, Kamijyo takes good care of her.

Shirai Kuroko & Misaka Mikoto
However, there is more to this story. The instant index is under Touma's care, strange occurrences start to happen. A flame eating monster, conjured by a magician with red hair, claims that she is under his protection, but Touma will have none of that. Pissed off, he attacks the magicians, and succeeds. From the first battle alone, I think you will most likely be able to tell what is going on. Touma is no ordinary person. He has the ability. The ability to negate any ability with a touch of his right hand.

Kanzaki Kaori
The magician, introduces himself as Stiyl Magnus, part of an organisation called Neccessarius. Along with Kanzaki Kaori (another member), they explain that they have been protecting Index for a long time, for she has the ability to store 103, 000 grimoires (Magic Books)

But, there is a drawback. With each coming year, they will have to "reset" her memory as it has reached its maximum capacity (Like a computer). The magic books have been using most of her memory, and within 3 days time, they have to reset her again.

Touma can't allow that. No way! Letting a small girl lose her precious and happy memories year after year. He must put an end to that imagination. He vows to never let the reset process happen.

The story takes another turn when the time limit for Index has come. She suddenly falls unconscious, but Touma finds that a magical rune in Index's throat, that seemed to be the cause of the problem. Using his ability, he activates Johann's Pen (Self-Defence System). Fighting for Index's freedom with all his might, he manages to save her from losing her memory.

But he ends up losing all of HIS MEMORY! He completely has no memory of any event that has happened in his past life.

Kamijyo Touma & Index
So a new chapter begins for Touma. With the magical world in chaos, he must put a stop to all its evil intentions, with the help of Index and the neccessarius members.

Plot-wise I would say well done, but the style is very similar to that in season 2, confusing and slightly complicating. But thats what adds to its excitement. It is able to segment the various stories into different adventures throughout the series.

The atmosphere however, is very different from its successor, as there is very little ecchi in the anime, (only for episode 1 I guess), as compared to season 2's mad ecchi spree. You will find it like any other action anime.

The art is very well done, with the visual effects from magic being very well shown in the anime. So please expect good action scenes from this anime!

For those who like climax endings, I apologize because the ending doesn't really give off that "wow" factor, but its touching.

Season 1 was very much enjoyable when I watched it last year, as compared to season 2, which I anticipated so badly, but sadly, a letdown due to its numerous ecchi, and the fact that the title of the anime is called Index, but she was not featured at all.

To Aru Majutsu no Index S1 premiered in Fall 2008 with 24 episodes, and was subbed by AoShen (Does not exist anymore), and Eclipse (Which also is no longer active either) Sigh...

You can also catch the majutsu series in light novel, game and manga (Which is recommended because it contains more information that was removed in the anime). There is also a side-story "To Aru Kagaku no Railgun" (A Certain Scientific Railgun) which features Misaka Mikoto.

However I cannot find a suitable preview video online...

Enjoy To Aru Majutsu no Index I!

Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Apologies From A Certain Someone...

December 21, 2011
Posted by DarrenW

Me in the hotel room when I have no internet...
Yes, I'm very sorry for posting late reviews during this holiday period but I can't help it.

Firstly, in november, I went to Malaysia for one week for an overseas camp, with no WIFI or 3G. The following week, I went on the same trip with IAmBored, again with no WIFI or 3G.

And the week after that, which was already in December, I left for Dubai, UAE, but the activities there sorta killed me, so I didn't have much time to write a review.

Went to China, of which I just realised this website (and all blogger services) is banned there.

And now I'm in "Sun Moon Lake" in Taiwan, of which I'm down on a desk typing with FREE WIFI in, but still no 3G... And when I'm in Japan NEXT WEEK, please expect another review.

For the regular visitors to our website, it may come a bit of a shock to you that I travel to so many places in one month. For those who have visited our website since last year, (which I doubt) will know that I travel to a lot of places.

There will also be a new addition to our website within the next month.

In the meantime, enough with my life. I would like to thank you all for visiting our website. The staff here are all very happy that you are.

Next review expected within the next 24 hours :D


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Manga Review: Kitchen Princess

Hey everyone! It’s DaBrenz back with yet ANOTHER review! You must be really sick of me now, but I hope I can appease you with another manga review! ☺

Today’s review will be on: "Kitchen Princess"!
Author: Kobayashi Mizuki
Artist: Andou Natsumi

Now, what are the odds of seeing our heroine being able to tell the exact ingredients of a dish? Introducing, our one-in-a-million heroine: optimistic and bubbly Najika Kazami. Aspiring to be a chef and to find her one childhood love, Najika enrolls into Seika Academy on terms similar to that of a scholarship. After enrolling into the “gifted” class, Class A, Najika meets and befriends Sora and Daichi Kitazawa.

In school, the two brothers are the apples of every girl’s eye: Sora with his aesthetic talent and sophisticated aura, Daichi with his athletic abilities and warm, confident aura. That’s right, they’re polar opposites and are BOTH suitable candidates as Najika’s childhood love, her “Flan Prince”. (Weird name for someone whose supposed to be your childhood sweetheart isn’t it? Well, read the manga and you’ll see why.)

With a talent as different as Najika’s, she is unable to fit in, and she decides to invest her time whilst honing her talent by working in an old, shabby-looking diner in the school compounds. This plays a part whereby numerous love triangles ensue, jealousy burns and also where strong lasting friendships are born.

There really isn’t any manga quite as interesting as Kitchen Princess, whereby it uses food as the main theme of the manga. Not only does the food look good on paper, the food which Najika creates is also provided by the author- making them doable! How cool is that? You learn recipes while reading manga. It is a win-win situation!

In my opinion, this is one of the manga which really explores the growth of people, and we can really see how the characters grow and mature from kids into young adults (not only in terms of physique, but also their mentality towards things and their character). Expect an unprecedented twist to the storyline as well!

The series doesn’t have an anime. However, the manga, which premiered in 2004, is complete with approximately 50 chapters. You can find the complete series on MangaFox. It is scanlated by many parties, in fact, too many different parties to mention them all here.

Savour the taste of the sweetness of love, spiciness of revenge, bitterness of jealousy and the sour taste of sorrow.

Next Review: Love a little SciFi and women in combat? You’ll love this next manga then!

DaBrenz, signing off!

Initial Impressions: Fairy Tail

December 20, 2011
Posted by IAmBored

Ohio! (Well… It's morning for me :D)

I’m back after a week of slacking. :P Apparently, I didn’t get to finish this review before I went on the Philippines trip because I was packing, and translating in fansub and learning Japanese (which is SUPER difficult and I’m not even 0.1% done) etc … Anyways, I’m back again and this time I’m doing a review on one of the best animes I have ever watched. :D

HAHAHA. I totally LOVE this anime!!! "Fairy Tail" :D

What would you do if your dad suddenly disappeared without a trace? Well… That’s what happened to Natsu Dragneel (age unknown, should be around 18, main male protagonist). His foster father (who is in fact a dragon) went missing 7 years previously. So, Natsu and Happy (his 6 year old flying, talking, neko friend) went in search for his father, Igneel.


Natsu and Happy
Anyways, in the land of Fiore, only about 10% of the population can use magic. People buy/sell magic and non-magic users can get help by offering jobs to mages through guilds. Hence all mages join guilds to get jobs. (Except for illegal jobs, then they form dark guilds) All guilds are governed by the magic council. Yet, there is one particular guild that is infamous for its members being overly-destructive: FAIRY TAIL!!!
So the story starts off with Lucy Heartfilia (17 years old, main female protagonist) escaping from home due to her mother’s death and her bad relationship with her father, and she is a celestial wizard (summons celestial spirits like Cancer, Aquarius, Taurus etc…) She met Natsu and Happy along the way and was invited to join Fairy Tail.

There, she met the other two protagonist: Gray Fullbuster (18 year old, who has this habit of stripping, and doesn’t realize it) and Erza Scarlet (19 year old, nicknamed Titania, Fairy Queen)

Gray is an ice wizard. This is the exact opposite of Natsu, who is a fire dragon slayer. As such, they always argue and fight. HAHA :D

On the other hand, Erza is a very powerful mage and has the ability to change her armor and weapon to suit the situation. She is also the disciplinarian of the guild and does not hesitate to punish anyone, so even Natsu and Gray pretend to be good friends in front of her.

I'm scared...

And together, they form the ‘strongest team’ in Fairy Tail to complete missions together.

Strongest Team (Not inclusive of Happy)
And so their journey starts!

Well… This anime has all the genres I like: Humor (I laugh or smile at almost every episode), Fighting, Romance (a bit), Shounen, Supernatural and DRAGONS!!! :D

Plot: IS SUPER NICE!!! Very original!!! Too many characters though…

The lessons learnt are also very insightful. Mainly it talks about friendship/comrade-ship. Especially for Natsu, anyone who messes with anyone in the guild is GOING TO DIE!!! It’s a little like "One Piece", where Natsu is like Luffy. (If you guys don’t know anything, go watch One Piece also :D VERY NICE TOO) But of course each anime has its own awesome part. And I think the flying, talking cat part is pretty unique (how many flying cats do you see in animes?)

Fave characters: Natsu, Gray, Happy (in no order of merit) All are so hilarious and with Happy it's KAWAII :DD

Fairy Tail has currently 109 episodes and was aired on October 12, 2009.(I know I did the review very late, but after my friends’ and Tr3xus’ strong recommendation I watched it 3 weeks ago, and finished in 5 days.) 

The anime is fansubbed by Kyuubi,  Ryugan and HorribleSubs. 2 OVAs have been released.

My fave song: Ending 6

Funny moment :D  Episode 17

Next review: Acting based anime (completed anime) (Drama adaption coming out very very soon! CAN’T WAIT!!! )
PS: All images are from Google :DD

Friday, December 9, 2011

Anime & Manga Review: Kimi ni Todoke

December 9, 2011
Posted by DaBrenz

Hey guys! DaBrenz back with another review :D
Sorry for the long hiatus, but school’s been a real drag lately AND I was down with a virus for 5 days after I came back from Cambodia for a service learning trip!

Anyhow, what better way to drown your sorrows (or in my case, pain) in a lovely, fluffy HIGH-SCHOOL ROMANCE? Introducing……… "Kimi Ni Todoke!"

Author/Artist: Shiina Karuho
Ever wondered how it would be like to see Sadako from The Ring in real life? Well, look no further. Sawako Kuronuma, with her long black hair and porcelain skin fits that description to a tee. In fact, she looks and has a name so similar that everyone around her has started calling her Sadako, believing that she can actually cast curses and talk to spirits. This leaves poor Sawako, who is just extremely shy isolated and lonely.

Main Characters
Of course, this doesn’t deter the school’s ray of sunshine, Number One Popular Boy: Shota Kazehaya, from disregarding all rumours and talking to her by in chance meeting near by a window above a gardening patch.

Like the way the sun chases away the dark clouds, Kazehaya indirectly helps to bring about Sawako’s first friends! Delinquent-looking, naïve 

Chizuru Yoshida. Cool and mature 
Ayane Yano. Silent, and observant Ryu Sanada!

Sawako’s life can only get better as she makes more friends and for the first time in her life, feels welcomed.

Enter beautiful, doll-like, Ume “Kurumi” Kurumizawa, who is everything Sawako aspires to be (as a woman). She stirs up emotions and feelings of all those around her, including unsuspecting Sawako. Sawako experiences something she has never experienced before (in her heart)  feelings changing from respect and admiration to that doki-doki feeling we all know and love about Shoujo manga.

A fair warning though- this manga is really much slower paced as compared to usual manga, but if you love awkward, sweet moments as much as I do, you’ll love this manga nonetheless. With great character development and great art, Kimi ni Todoke is really worth both a read and watch.

You got that right: Kimi ni Todoke has BOTH an anime and a manga series!! Fear not, the anime is a rather accurate reflection of the manga, and the art in both cases is SUPERB. (Sort of Chinese-y if you ask me, with loads of watercolour.)

Kimi ni Todoke can be found on many manga platforms like Mangafox and MangaReader, scanlated by Manga Scans and Uryuu. It first premiered in 2005 and is ongoing till now.

The anime, on the other hand, already has 2 seasons.
Season One: Premiered in 2009 and is complete with 25 episodes
Season Two: Premiered this year, and is complete with 12 episodes

So, what are you waiting for? Refresh your beliefs in sweet love and take a break from ecchi ;)

Next review: Hungry? Well, learn some simple and doable recipes as you indulge in manga! Yum~

DaBrenz, signing off!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Initial Impressions: Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai

December 7, 2011
Posted by DarrenW

Ahahaha! Finally, the ECCHI that everyone has been waiting for!
Yes, a classic ECCHI that almost everyone is able to recognise just from the opening, "Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai"!

Okay, so its ECCHI, but what's the story? Well, first things first, have you ever wondered what would happen if you have NO FRIENDS? Well what do you do? That's easy! Just join the "Neighbour's Club"!

Poster for Neighbour's Club
What's that? Well basically, its a club that helps promote its members to have more friends. From episode 0, it looks awesome! Everybody's having a good time together, and enjoying themselves as best friends...

Kodaka Hasegawa
All right, let's cut the crap. Starting from episode 1, everything changes. It begins with our protagonist, Kodaka Hasegawa, who has recently transferred to the St. Chronica's Academy. Unfortunately for him, he has no friends, due to his inherited hair from his mother, and his fierce looking eyes.
Yup. All that equates to looking like a Yankee (Bully).
Kodaka's sister.
So how did all this Neighbour stuff come up? Well, one day, Kodaka 'accidentally' finds the equally lonely Yozora Mikazuki... talking to her imaginary friend, "Air Friend" (OMG). They then realized that both of them have no social life. So they decided to form the Neighbour Club! With 2 members...

Yukimura Kusonoki, a guy.
Sena Kashiwazaki

Well, the good news is that in the later episodes, 5 new members join the club! Woohoo! But... They all have their 'problems'. Firstly, the arrogant and drop dead gorgeous Sena Kashiwazaki, who has no female friends due to her popularity with all the boys. Secondly, the girly Yukimura Kusonoki (Yes, the one that is always in the maid outfit), who looks and acts like a girl but isn't one... Thirdly, the TEACHER, Maria Takayama, who is some 10 year old nun that looks COMPLETELY LIKE INDEX (same voice actor as well). Fourthly, the young scientific genius Rika Shiguma, who gets excited over weird stuff... And lastly, Kodaka's sister, who by far is one of the more normal characters, even though she dresses up like a vampire.

Rika Shiguma gets
excited over robots...
Yeah, so as usual, ECCHI animes don't have enough significant plot lines for me to discuss, and in this anime, it follows the theory. Hahaha. Though for theme, I would say they do portray people with no friends well, and that the anime is able to explain why so. One of the more valid observations is that this anime is able to make you laugh a lot. Although it does include the usual random plots for one episode, it's certainly a good watch if you feel like letting loose of those stressful plot animes and just wish to watch something funny.

Yozora Mikazuki
Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai premiered on October the 7, and 10 episodes have premiered so far. (Sorry for the lateness) and there are 12 episodes, with 1 OVA next year. It's been fansubbed by Doki, Chihiro and Mazui.

Enjoy your ECCHI,


I do apologize if our reviews have been late recently. This is because I just came back from the Philippines doing voluntary work. Yes, I left 2 days after the camp ended.
And expect more delays because I'm going overseas next week!
Next Review: I'm Slacking'!!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Initial Impressions: Guilty Crown

This review has been updated. For "Final Impressions: Guilty Crown" Click here

November 20, 2011
Posted by DarrenW

Yea yea, I know its 6 episodes into the season! This review is super late. Wanted to hand it over to MedusaS because she's watching it as well, but he was like "I already did a review!!"

Anyway, let's get down to business, with 'Guilty Crown!'

Well, just from watching the first episode, you can tell that Japan is under siege. Well, the truth is, it is now the year 2039!

Well, the fact is, in 2029, Japan has been plagued by a virus called 'Apocalypse Virus', which is this very crystal-like growth that can kill a person. With this, Japan plunges into a state of chaos and confusion. This is where the international organization, GHQ, steps into Japan. The GHQ conducts research to rid people of the virus, however, executes martial law (Forced Government) upon Japan and controls it under its own interests.

Until 10 years later, that is...

In 2039, a new organization, called the "Undertakers" or "Funeral Parlor" as some call it, begins operations to rid GHQ of its 'sick' control. People are getting killed and injured, even if they are innocent, and lives continue to be destroyed. Anyone who opposes GHQ gets this: Endlaves, fighting robots that are controlled by human minds.

The Undertakers.
Ouma Shu
So the undertakers go by any means to obtain weapons of mass destruction. This is where our protagonist, Ouma Shu, comes in. An image & video designer that just goes to school, he accidentally wanders into an abandoned building and bumps into...

Inori Yuzuriha
Inori Yuzuriha!

Epic run through fire.
Yes, the girl that is now popping up on a lot of other anime & manga websites. While on a mission to deliver 'Void Genome', or translated, 'The Power of Kings'. An extremely powerful weapon, which has to be consumed by an individual...

And thats when Shu breaks it in an epic struggle...

And now Shu has the ability of VOID GENOME, which is one of the most EPIC and SICK powers I have EVER seen. Shu is now able to extract powerful weapons based on people's 'soul/personality' from his right hand, and kill his opponents! OMG its so awesome!!

And ironically, it was his mum, Haruka Ouma, which was behind its development.

So now, the leader of the Undertakers, Tsutsugami Gai, takes Ouma Shu to become a member of them, and he begins his adventure of a lifetime, kicking GHQ butt!

Now naturally, people will veer away from this kind of anime, well, because of the ecchi, but do not be afraid! It has been reduced to quite a large extent, and not of those levels of To Aru Majutsu no Index

Index. Wait a minute. Right hand instead of Left, main character says 'Excuse Me!' instead of 'Misfortune!', based in a scientific city, someone who looks like accelerator. Hmmm something is fishy here...

Undertaker Leader: Gai

Well, plotwise, I have to say, its an excellent job, smooth and easy to understand, as well as the fact it is well developed. Many things are shown well and explained well.
Theme? Well its right on target. It's DEFINITELY an action type and sci-fi sort of anime, if that was what it was trying to achieve. And as for atmosphere, well, watch the PV below. And as a bonus, the songs and music used in the anime really complements the mood of the show, of which makes it even more exciting and epic.

Activation of VOID GENOME
All in all, this is an anime that you DEFINITELY MUST WATCH. Throughout this whole 2 years of anime, I personally admit this anime stands out big time. Its going to be one of the best this year, possibly even better than Steins;Gate! XD

Guilty Crown has 22 episodes, and premiered on October 14. It is fansubbed by Doki, CoalGuys, Commie, Tsuki-Hatsuyuki and Darksoul!

And of course, I love the song sung by Inori: Euterpe.

Well, peering through the voice actors, I'm SHOCKED. It has an UNIMAGINABLE amount of voice actors that also come from my other favourite animes!

Tsuchimikado Motoharu
To Aru Majutsu no Index I & II
Guilty Crown

is ->

Isana Tachibana
Yumekui Merry
Guilty Crown

is ->

Kouichi Tanemura
Hanasaku Iroha


Ouma Shu
Guilty Crown

are ->

Kanade Tachibana "Tenshi"
Angel Beats!
Charlotte Dunoa
IS - Infinite Stratos


Sakamachi Kureha
Mayo Chiki!
Mayuri Shina


Ayase Shinomiya
Guilty Crown

are ->

To Aru Majutsu no Index
I & II
Kenji Kido
Guilty Crown

is ->

Guilty Crown
Kirino Kousaka
Ore no Imouto ga Konna
ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai

is ->

Well it's mainly because some people commented that knowing the voice actors makes it more appealing for them to watch. Really? Well anyway, here are your voice actors. But I'm not going to do this again, too tiring.

And I will be away for a week for a camp (No internet... T_T)

